Chapter 12

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Continuation of Flashback (4 years ago):

Sairah's POV:

I gulp. Well Zayn looks ticked off... again. And it's all my fault. Why the heck do I cause so much trouble for Ahmed?

"Well son," Zayn taps his foot impatiently. "Instead of caring about what happened to the match you're having- a-- a," He sputters looking at us in disgust. "A pillow fight!" He says mockingly through gritted teeth.

I flinch at his rising tone. Then I turn to Ahmed who just rolled his eyes. 

"Yea keep rolling those eyes maybe you'll find what's left of your brain in there!" Zayn snaps.

"Relax dad I was just-" Ahmed attempts to get out of the bed but ends up wincing in pain. His stomach clearly took too many hits. 

Out of a reflex I stand up to help him up. But then I immediately stop myself knowing it wouldn't be appropriate for me to since his dad can help him. Wait what am I saying? His dad can't stand the sight of Ahmed right now. Forget Mr. Badri.

Ya Allah please forgive me but I'm only trying to help, I silently pray in my head before helping up Ahmed.

I extend my hand to him. He looks at me like as if I told him the sky is green. I usher for him to hold my hand and he hesitantly does. 

"Damn, what happened to the Sairah who scolded me for trying to help her up?" He whispers before laughing.

"She temporarily left since your fragile self winces even when you laugh" I retort rolling my eyes. "Besides your dad obviously isn't going to help you," I cock my head to Zayn who still has a scowl on his face. "And everything is determined by our intentions," I remind Ahmed.

Ahmed just nods curtly. Zayn narrows his eyes at Ahmed, "Why do you need her help?"

"He doesn't. But I offered as a courteous human." I respond before Ahmed can even open his mouth. "And now I'm going to leave." I start to walk out the door before Ahmed grips my arm. I look at him shocked. And why did his hand touching my arm give me chills?

His blue eyes plead with mine to not leave him alone with his dad. I shouldn't stay since this is their own personal matter but Ahmed's puppy dog eyes beg to differ.

Sighing, I walk back next to Zayn. "Listen, I'm no nurse, but I know for a fact Ahmed's in bad shape-"

"When was he ever in good shape?" Zayn rolls his eyes.

"-He needs to rest ." I ignore Zayn's immature remark. "And you, need to help him." I point to Zayn. "Weren't you the one telling me how you feel disconnected with your life well here's your chance to rekindle your relationship with your son." I add in a low voice so Ahmed can't hear.

Zayn studies me for a moment before nodding. "You're absolutely right dear. I'm apologetic for my behavior." He says looking down. 

"It's alright but you should save these apologies for your son." I cock my head to Ahmed who's pacing around the room clutching his abdomen.

"I'm glad Ahmed found a girl like you," Zayn says. I raise my eyebrows, and as if he knew he said too much Zayn continues, "Well you have a pure heart so thank you."

I give him a nod and decide to call Yusuf about the match. Before I can dial his number Zayn speaks again.

"By the way," He pauses giving a small smile. "I'm proud of Ahmed for defending you. Even if I struggled in showing it. And that Brody kid-- he's been dealt with." 

I look at him confused. First he yells at Ahmed but now he's all... nice. But what did he do to Brody? The way he said the last part sent chills down my spine.

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