Chapter 21

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Continuation of Flashback(4 years ago):

Ahmed's POV:

"Hey you!" I call out to Sairah. Yea I know I suck at social skills when I'm nervous. And from Sairah's concerned glare it's confirmed I sounded like an idiot.

"Hey you?" She says back in a confused tone. "What's up?" She asks leaning on the table.

"Nothing uh-," I scratch my brow anxiously. "I uh just wanted to talk to you." I put my hand in my pockets.

"Okay." She shrugs and gets a Sprite. "Do you love me?" She asks handing me one, too.

"What?" I say wide eyed.

"I said Do. You. Want. One?" She repeated herself slowly so I could understand. She shakes her head laughing at my unhinged state as I take the Sprite thanking her. "God you're looking at me as if I asked you if you want to get married?"

"Well in that case this is easier than I thought." I say amazed at her remark. 

"Ahmed what the heck are you rambling on about." She raises her shoulders bewildered. 

"Uh what did you say after offering me this Sprite?" I raise an eyebrow apprehensively.

"I said 'God you're looking at me as if I offered you pork'?" She studies me for a moment. 

"Ohhh yea haha sorry about that. I think uh the music might be a bit loud." I try to play off my delirious hearing.



"There is no music playing yet." She looks at me again. "You sure you're okay."

"Yea I'm just peachy." I reply hastily. "But this wedding won't be if you don't play something."

"You have a point. I'll go talk to the-" She turns to walk away when I stop her holding her arm gently.

She looks down at my hand on her arm and I immediately let go of it sensing her uneasiness. God I need help! Astaghfirullah I just touched her! 

"Um-" I clear my throat. "Don't go yet." I give her my best puppy dog eye look.

"Okayyy." She says slowly leaning against the table again. "Gosh you know you look bearable when you pout." She laughs.

"Thank you, I try." I smirk. If she says it's bearable that means she finds it cute. I've learned her lingo by now and she always down plays every thing.

"So what did you want to talk about?" She fidgets with her sleeve. 

"Um," I run my hand through my hair unsure on how to go about this. "Listen Sairah, ever since we met we've grown close," I pause and see her nodding. "And I- I know you'll probably feel uncomfortable but I want-- no I need to get this off my chest." I let out a deep exhale. I look up at her amber golden eyes. God I could get lost in those eyes. I notice her look away breaking eye contact but I see her blushing. I smile, "Sairah Bukhari," She looks up at me with wonder and her angel face seems excited. " I- I lo-" I start to say it but someone interrupts me.

"Sairah." Her brother Sameer interrupts us. Gosh not again! Every dang time!  Why do people enjoy cutting me off? 

"Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you and uh your friend but Mama wants you to meet someone." Sameer looks at me briefly with skeptical eyes before turning to Sairah. 

"Right now?" Sairah groans annoyed. She clearly was just as ticked off as me. "Alright lead the way." She turns around to me, "Ahmed I'm so sorry- but,"

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