Chapter 15

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Continuation of Flashback(4 years ago):

Sairah's POV:

"Okay," I say as I pull open the bow. As soon as I see the gift the butterflies return. "Ahmed... you--it's beautiful." I gasp in awe. I hold up the intricate necklace.

It was a rose pendant made of- of RUBIES?! How much did this cost?

"Ahmed I- I can't accept this." I say blushing handing the box back to him.

"Why not?" He says confused.



"Because it's too expensive! I know real gold when I see it and I know this is made of real rubies! How much did this cost?"

"It doesn't matter how much it costs." He says bluntly. "What matters is how much I know you love this. I saw the look in your eyes when you opened it."

"Ahmed that was before I saw... guessed how expensive it was."

"I don't care. I bought this for you. You're going to wear it as my gift to you." He looks me dead in the eye and I sense the intimidation in his voice.

"Ahmed you have to take this back." I plead with him.

"Why? So I can wear it. Don't be silly." He scoffs amused.

"Ahmed this is-"

"You. Are. Keeping. It." He moves closer towards me but leaves enough space to 'keep it halal' and I feel my heart race hearing his husky whisper.

I open my mouth but Ahmed's 'you can't convince me' glare was burning into my eyes. I sigh defeated holding the beautiful but expensive necklace in my hand.

"I don't want you to think I'm ungrateful because it's the opposite. I've never been so happy." I gush smiling uncontrollably. "I can't believe you remembered, too." I say impressed.

"Of course I remembered your favorite flower is a rose. I know everything about you." He shrugs with his hands in his pockets. I see him smile at me sheepishly.

"Well I'm impressed," I tease. "I didn't think the self absorbed Ahmed Badri listened to people." I say holding my hand against my chest exaggerating,

"I don't." He says still smiling. I raise an eyebrow at him. "I only listen to you." He whispers in a raspy voice as he walks past me into the restaurant.

Now I'm standing alone feeling... confused, happy and butterflies.

I fiddle with the necklace clasping it onto my neck amazed as I feel my heart flutter. Astaghfirullah! I know I shouldn't feel like this but why do I feel like this then? 

How could he spend so much money on a simple occasion like a birthday? 

On a person like me?

It's just the birthday bliss rushing to my head. Right? That's all it could be. That's what's causing the butterflies. Or could it be... no that's haram stop! I fight my thoughts away as I enter the restaurant.

Ahmed's POV:

Did I feel guilty about buying her that necklace?HELL to the NO! Sairah deserves more than that necklace but I knew how much she loved roses and jewelry. 

Once, I asked her what her favorite flower was she told me it was a rose. I asked her why and she said because roses were the only flowers that knew how to protect themselves. They had thorns as a defense. But if the right person came to pick them up then they would know how to carefully pick it up without harming themselves or damaging the rose.

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