Chapter 57

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A/N: Sadly this book is near its end. There will be one more chapter but this will be all. Thank you to all who supported me as a first time writer. It means so much. Keep voting, sharing, and reading. Love you guys!

Present Day (Day of the Wedding):

Sairah's POV:

"And look at that. Here we are." I laugh softly staring into space.

"Alhamdullilah (Praise be to God). You guys came a long way." Amina takes off her hijab. Amina started wearing the hijab and Yusuf and she are engaged now. Both are more religious now and they're changing for the better Mashallah (God bless).

"We did huh?" I smile thinking about Ahmed. He probably looks fine as heck right now. Suits always looked 10x hotter on him. Maybe off him, too. SAIRAH! STOP! I bite my lip and I feel my cheeks grow hot from embarrassment of my own thoughts. 

"Are you thinking about him right now?" Nina gasps. 

"No!" I let out an awkward laugh. "Of- Of course not!"

"I bet she's already picturing their wedding night." Nina winks at me and nudges Amina who rolls her eyes.

"Hijabi on the streets and frea-" 

"Nina Reynolds!" I gasp stonished by her almost statement. "Don't you dare finish that sentence!" I scold red as a tomato. Did I mention how weird it is to call her by Marco's last name? It's still so new to me. They had their 'surprise' wedding only two months ago. Nina looked beautiful and she was glowing. Maybe marriage does change people for the best. Weirdest part was they never even told us they got engaged. I woke up one morning and Nina was in Amina and my apartment giggling maniacally. It wasn't until Amina tackled her when we saw the ring on her finger. Then a month later they had their quaint, beautiful wedding. And guess who caught the bouquet? No one. Amina and I were too busy eating the appetizers.

"OOH I love the ring to that name!" Nina squeals. "It never gets old you know that?" She pushes my curled hair behind my ear. "Your love for Ahmed will only grow after you guys get married. And once he sees you he'll faint."

"HA! Are you serious?" I shake my head laughing.

"Well if he doesn't faint now, he'll faint when he sees you at night." Nina whispers then covers her mouth laughing.

"NINA!" I yell annoyed and I attempt to chase her but my clothes don't help.

"Amina? Can you just-" I turn to Amina.

"Yea. I got you." She sighs and she launches a pillow at Nina's face.

"HEY! You almost ruined my makeup!" Nina protests still laughing.

"You're lucky that was the only thing about to be ruined." I snap.

"B****." Nina laughs. "Save that attitude tonight for Ahmed. I'm sure he'll-"

I elbow Nina as my parents enter. "Sairu! The day we always dreamed of has arrived. But now- now ou're grown-up." My mom tears up and Nina and Amina leave.

"You'll always be our baby." My dad coos and he hugs me tightly.

"Mama! Baba!" I whine. "If you cry then I'm going to cry! And I don't want to look bad in my photos." I joke in an attempt to lighten their moods. 

"Wow. Look at you with your priorities right for once!" Uthman comes in with teary eyes.

"You came!" I leap into his arms. 

"Of course I would. You're the baby. And we all did."

"We?" I raise an eyebrow and I see Sameer and Zara come in.

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