Chapter 48

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Continuation of Flashback (2 years ago):

Sairah's POV:

I guess it didn't really hit me how different Ahmed acts with me. Like literally. He's all sweet and flirty with me-- but with Yusuf and Marco-- OH that's a completely different story.

It makes me feel special like he only saves his sweetest side for me. Although I'm purposely a little 'beyatch-y' to him. I purposely tease him but hey-- someone's got to do it otherwise his ego will be the size of Texas. 

Amina, Nina and I met with the guys for lunch later, and right now they were playing soccer. To say that Ahmed is aggressive is an understatement. He side-tackled Yusuf and Marco countless times. And each time he would get up unscathed and would wink at me. It made my heart do flips and all that. Although I couldn't let him know that, so I would roll my eyes laughing.

"Damn. Contol your man Sairah." Amina laughs. 

"She can control him in be-"

"Finish that sentence Nina I dare you!" I yell in a high pitched voice and my face is red from embarrassment.

Nina bursts into laughter and holds her hand up in defense. "Alright alright save the angry kink-"

"NINA!" I yell feeling myself burn up and I can barely think. God what is wrong with her!

"Ok but someone has to get excited cause we all know you don't care." She flips her hair and Amina shakes her head smiling.

"Nina I will personally-"

"Ooh." She wiggles her brows. "Ahmed wants to get personal too. Trust me."

I sigh feeling defeated against her rather perverse humor. 

"Come on give her a break!" Amina nudges Nina.

"Just saying." Nina looks at me innocently.

"Yea well I'd prefer if you'd keep your abnormally recurring sexual jokes -"

"Her what now?" I hear Marco's voice.

"Don't act like you don't know." Nina gives him an 'are you serious look'.

"Euhm- Uh-" Marco coughs awkwardly. 

"It's okay babe, I make you flustered a lot." She winks and gets up from the bleacher then Marco and they walk away.

"Okayyy." Amina says turning away to face Yusuf. "How's my man doing?" 

"He's barely surviving from all those side-tackles." Ahmed puts a hand on Yusuf's shoulder.

Yusuf scoffs, "Sairah I don't know how you do it." Yusuf looks up at me and I raise a brow. "Well you're the only one who can control Ahmed. He's not a very friendly guy." 

I laugh and I lock eye contact with Ahmed who's smirking at me. "Well, Yusuf, it's cause he knows he doesn't stand a chance against me." I shrug casually.

"Damn straight," Ahmed whispers sending butterflies through me. I could even feel them in my butt. Hold on- is that possible? Wait no- it's just the feeling of having to get up since my butt was glued to those bleachers.

"Ahmed!" I scold but then I see Amina and Yusuf walking away. 

"So did you enjoy the view?" He smirks playfully.

"Nah. Not really. I'm jealous of you though." I say leaning over the rails on the bleachers.

"Oh really. How so?" Ahmed also leans over from the turf.

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