1 - Morning Bites

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~Aoba's dream~
There was a loud knocking at the door, but the sound was muffled by Aoba's hands, his sobs and what sounded like sirens. Aside from the screaming from Koujaku he couldn't recognize the voices, they were...cloudy...distorted....he had no idea what they were supposed to sound like, he could tell they were angry...but they didn't even sound human to him. He laid there, in the dark and smelly corner he was restricted to, never able to leave unless he wanted to get beaten. Koujaku didn't even clean it for him, so he slept and lived next to his own excretions, he hated it, he absolutely hated it. But he loved Koujaku, at least...he thought he did. Just the tiniest sliver of kindness that was shown would make his heart throb. He could still hear those voices, those....'demonic' voices, his boyfriend went towards the bedroom door after telling him to be quiet and not move an inch, he went down to the door and talked with whoever was at the door. It was only one man....but it was a silhouette. A glitch almost, the figure would phase in and out, parts would jolt out of the form like a picture on a TV whenever a wave of static started to take it over. Other than that, there was no movement, not even at what would be the jaw, no shifting weight, no hand movements...just static waves....

Aoba was invested in his dream, wanting to know if he would get saved, but he was rudely woken up to a hand on his thigh, nails digging into his skin where already existing bruises were, day old, week old and healing ones that were almost invisible. Along with that he felt a familiar set of teeth digging into his neck, a familiar bulge rubbing up against his back, he grunted in pain and discomfort, whimpering a little, he was way too tired to deal with this right now. "Koujaku...stop.." he grumbled and tried to push his boyfriend away, his hands were tied together with red rope that was cutting into his wrists faintly, he had a leather collar that was a little too tight on him, making it hard to breathe sometimes, depending on how he sat and laid down.

Koujaku growled a little and dug his nails into Aoba's thigh deeper while dragging them down, pulling back thin layers of skin, just a little more and he would have bled, this caused the blue haired man to shift, trying to get Koujaku off of him, he didn't enjoy this, he hated it. "Shut the hell up" Koujaku growled a little more while biting down harder on the way thinner male's neck, he was all skin and bones, he was barely fed, he wasn't allowed to leave his corner, he wasn't allowed to wear clothes, he wasn't allowed to touch the couch. If he broke any of these rules, he would get whipped with the belt or a flogger. His back was covered in almost fresh scabs from a couple days ago. What he did was get out of the corner whenever Koujaku was at the bar, like he normally was, and went to the kitchen, grabbed some food and nibbled on it, since his stomach shrunk in the almost three months he had been with Koujaku, or Koujackass as he called him behind his back, he couldn't eat much, so he stuck with something his abuser wouldn't notice being touched, crackers. Thats what he normally stuck to while the other was gone, nibbling on crackers, even though they were stale.

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