Yelling orders

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(Your POV)

Traveling with portals can be…tricky to say the least. Especially if you’re using them for the first time.

That’s one of the few things I have learned these past hours.

At the moment, I was sitting on a mossy boulder in an unknown forest with elbows resting on my sore knees and hands supporting my tired head.

“Welp…this blows.” I mumbled to myself, looking at the practically destroyed machinery in front of me.

Thick ,grey smoke formed a big cloud above the device and the frequent sparks of electricity indicated that the reparation was going to be a huge pain in the ass.

I looked down again, slowly running my fingers through my (H/C) hair and let out a sigh of pure frustration.

“Sensei is going to murder me once he finds out. Last time he made me clean the bathrooms for a whole month!”

It’s my own damn fault though... I didn’t coordinate my landing properly.

What kind of Traveler am I, if I can’t even do something as trivial as that?!

Maybe I shouldn’t have gone away without notifying anyone…

Another heavy sigh escaped my bruised lips while lifting myself up from the slightly damp boulder. Setting a I few steps towards the wreckage and kneeling down , I made one last attempt in estimating how long it would take before it can be used again.

“Some parts are missing…probably scattered around here somewhere but it shouldn’t b-“

“Move forward!”

My head jolted up when sudden voices reached my eardrums.

It seems that someone has noticed the smoke coming from this forest.

The angry shouting and yelling grew louder as I felt the ground began trembling underneath my feet.

Instinctively, I pulled out the two daggers from my belt and lowered my stance. All my senses now focused on the place where the voices originated from.

When the trembling had reached its peak and a flock of birds flew away in panic, I knew that they were close.

“Maybe 10…11 people riding on horseback…” I estimated.


People in strange uniforms with emerald-green capes raced towards me on horseback, leaving a cloud of dust behind them.
I shielded my eyes for a second and coughed while figuring out a much needed escape-plan in my head.

No use for running if they’re on horseback but I will not go down without a damn fight.

If I can handle 12 Nightcrawlers back home all at once, then I can handle this as well…

“Stand down, cadets!” A deep, authoritative voice shouted, making the group immediately halt.

The instant, the annoying dust in my eyes finally cleared, I was able to take a good look at my current situation and chance of survival.

A traveller like me (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now