Part 1

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Klarissa's POV

"Klarissa hurry up!" my sister yelled from the other room. "I'm almost ready! Hold on!" I said as I finished touching up my makeup.

Before I left my bathroom, I took one last look at myself in the mirror. My light brown hair was pulled back into a messy, yet classic bun that had a few strands dangling down. I had minimal face makeup covering my golden tan skin, which allowed most of the attention to go to my eyes. My eyes are bright brown with specks of gold in them. And to finish off, my long lashes were covered with black mascara.

Once I finished inspecting myself, I turned off the light and walked out of the bathroom. I saw my sister standing in front of my bed looking down at a couple of gowns.

When she heard me enter the room, she looked up and said,"Dang Rissa! You look hot!"

I let out a small chuckle and walked over to where she was standing.

"What do you think about this dress?" she asked, as she held up a black dress that would end above her knees. 

"It would look so good on you Alicia, especially since you have such long legs." I told her as she let out an excited squeal.

"Thats exactly what I was thinking!" She said as she spun around with it in her arms. "Ok, enough about me, what are you going to wear?" she asked giving me a quizzical look.

"Ooo I really like this one." I said while pointing at a gown. The gown was a deep red with a fabric that would surely stick to all my curves. It also had thin straps and a low, but classy neckline. It was perfect.

"Oh my god! This one is perfect for you, hurry go put it on!" Alicia said.

  With no protest I marched over to the bathroom to put it on. Once I slipped it on, it was better that I could have  imagined it. It fit like a glove and showed off my assets perfectly.

When I returned back to my bedroom, my sister had already put her dress on.

"Oh look at us! I'm so ready for the party, there better be some hot guys there tonight!" she squealed. I sarcastically rolled my eyes at her as I slipped my shoes on.

"Are you ladies ready yet?" my brother asked as he walked into my room. He looked very handsome. He was dressed in a fitted black suit with his hair perfectly styled.

"Yes, we are finally done." I said as started to walk out the room with my sister behind me.

Tonight is the night of the annual gala. It is  going to be a night of lavish food and drinks. This is also the place where the most powerful mafia families make alliances with each other.

In my 20 years of being alive, this is the only work related event that my father lets my sister and I attend. His work life has always been kept a secret to us girls since it is very dangerous.

"Wow, you girls look really pretty." my brother Mateo told us with a huge smile, as we descended down our large marble staircase. "Thanks Mat." Alicia and I said together.   

When we finally reached the front door, my mother and father were already waiting. "All right lets go." my father said as soon as he saw us.

On the way to the car, my father walked up beside me so we could link arms. I have always been really close with my father. Since I am the youngest out of all my sibling, he has always given me special attention.

"Te ves hermosa cariño." my father said to me. (You look beautiful darling)

"Gracias." I said with a big smile. (Thank You)

Once we were all in the car, the chauffeur slowly started to pull away from the family mansion. I enjoyed the beautiful scenery as we drove around the New York country side. After a short 30 minute drive, we arrived at the gala.

Beautiful women dressed in long ball gowns and men in suits were flooding towards the entrance. Before we exited the car my father gave us women his yearly speech,"Remember girls, stay close to either me or your brother. These men in there are monsters." I nodded at my father and watched as both my father and my brother checked their guns.

"Ok, guys let's go."my father said. One by one we exited the car and walked up to the large glass doors. When we entered my ears were greeted with the sound of lovely classical music. I grew excited when I saw the large ballroom filled up with guests.

"Mateo, go take your sisters to the bar. Enjoy the night."my father told my brother. Mateo nodded his head at my father. "Come one guys let's go have fun." he said with a grin.

Alicia and I followed behind him as he lead us through the busy crowd. Once we made it to the bar we took the only three seats that were available. "What do you guys want to drink? I can't wait to get wasted." he said with a chuckle. "I'll have whatever Rissa is having." Alicia said unbothered. I know her though, she is already checking the place out for the easiest hook up. "I think i'll just have some champaign." I told my brother. He nodded at me and turned to the bartender.

Once the alcohol  arrived, I began to slowly sip at it. I know that if I drink it too fast, I won't be able to control myself. I looked over to my right, where my sister was sitting, she had already downed her whole drink. And not to my surprise she was causally flirting with a young man next to her. I inwardly rolled my eyes and took another sip of my champagne.

When I turned to my left, where my brother was supposed to be sitting, I noticed that he was missing. I quickly started to panic because I have never been without him at this type of event.

"Hey Rissa," my sister whispered in my ear. "Im going upstairs for a little while, please don't tell Mat." And before I could protest, she disappeared within the crowd.

Shit. Now I am without my brother and my sister. I quickly grabbed my champagne glass, and downed the rest of it to damped my growing anxiety. I then felt something rub against my arm.

As I looked over to my left I saw this extremely handsome man. He looked around 6'4, with black hair, olive skin, green eyes, and a strong jaw line. His tremendous height made it easy for him to tower over my small figure, even while I was sitting.

"Scotch." he said. His voice was confident, and I could hear what sounded like an Italian accent peering through. As he waited for his drink, his gaze shifted over to me. His dark green eyes shamelessly looked me over. A small smirk took over his face. His mouth opened to say something, but it was stopped by a loud bang.

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