~Who Are You?~

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His, how long have you been his? A year? A few months? Honestly, it felt like you had belonged to him for your entire life. How long since that night? When did that average everyday relationship turn to this? Was it the right choice to give it all up for him? You worked an everyday job, lived and everyday life. Blind to the society's norms. Nothing interesting ever happened. (y/n) (l/n) that was your name, it had been the name your parents gave you, the name your friends called you, the name of your small family owned cafe. That ordinary name, turned up on posters, in newspapers. The girl that kept others uplifted after that night. How did your life change so quickly from normal to being involved with a villain with him?

Your name was (y/n) (l/n), a girl with a simple life. You were friends with a couple of kids. Many would call your life above normal due to those... relations. Though, you didn't really call them friends. Sure you knew them in junior high, Mina Ashido and Eijiro Kirishima... you wouldn't say very well though. More, you stayed back a little, entering conversation with them here and there. It was unexpected when you stayed in touch with them. That little connection grew into a small friendship, letting you meet the kids they were close to. Another unexpected coincidence. Katsuki bakugo, another acquaintance of yours, his mom supported your mother when things got rough with the cafe a summer back. You two hung out mostly because he was forced to. So you never really talked much. That small group grew though. You had enough pictures to go around. Three years did fly by nicely...

I was happy. The keyword there, being, was. Those three years of your life were amazing. Sadly like all good things, it came to an end. Your mother fell ill and died in the hospital, leaving you all alone. No immediate family left. Your father and your mother's brother had died when you were little, a plane crash. Your elder sister didn't make it past the age of five. Death from cancer. Your father had lost his parents in a mugging around 13. Your mother's parents died happily side by side from old age. You drifted away from those friends right before they graduated. That night happened.

A terrible event... the hero all might, previously retired, was found murdered. In blood a rabbit mark was found. Killed in his own home. Several hours later, bombs went off throughout the city. A distraction, the upcoming class of pro heroes, 20 of 40 students were deployed to help. All with their licenses. Lemillion the rising number one, was able to protect the students near him. The pro hero endeavor was killed by the villain dabi, who, spoiler, ended up being touya. Pro hero nejire up and coming number two was shot down and put into a coma. Sun eater upcoming number three was injured while trying to save soon to be full-time pro hero red-riot... he efforts went to waste. 18 of the students deployed were killed. All of class 1A with only shinso and ground zero making it out alive. Ground zero was barely alive, it's a miracle he lived through being stabbed 8 times and being hit over the head. Mirio got there just in time.

The total deaths- 489 126 of them being heroes and soon to heroes. The only gain from this, villain tomura shigiraki was... among the dead. Betrayed by his own member. Now the number one villain, he went by green rabbit. Nobody knows his appearance or name. 98 named villains were reported either dead or captured among them, dabi rather touya. In shoto's last moments he was able to stab his elder brother through the stomach. Twice, taken down by nejire before she was almost killed and sent into that coma by toga. Toga managed to escape. The warp villain kurogiri was also taken in by bakugo.

Now eleven months later, the world still weeps of that tragic day. The current top three, Miro, bakugo at a very close second, and tamaki are slowly providing hop to the world. Trying to repair the families who lost people.

You felt you could have done something for them, had you taken your mother's advice and entered that hero school... After all, healing quirks that come without any severe drawbacks are rare.

Your quirk, healing rose turned your tears into rose petals that once landing on a victim's chest could heal any repairable injuries. It could not attach limbs or undo a gun-shot to the chest. It could stop the bleeding from a severed limb or a stab, repair organs. It could not heal illness of any kind though. The drawback, once you ran out of tears you could no longer heal, it also would not work on yourself.

This is where the changes to your life truly began~

~My Little Rose~ Villain deku x readerWhere stories live. Discover now