~Close Call~

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The rain tonight came down in a glittering cold. The puffy clouds covering any traces of the moonlight leaving the streets to face nothing but the lamps and streetlights. You sat waiting like you did everyday watching the door as it opened to show the boy you had become so attached to over the past month and half. "Are we going to have another visit from kacchan tonight?" he grumbled, removing his muddied shoes. You noticed he wasn't wearing the usual red sneakers instead he was dressed up in a suit and tie.

"Nope! He pulled the night shift tonight. He came by about an hour back. It's just us.'' Why did that sound slightly more welcoming than normal. You sighed watching as he pulled away a raincoat. You could have sworn you saw the glimmer of metal inside the coat. "What's with the sudden dress up?" you hummed placing his usual on the table.

"Nothing, just something for work. Can you get me one of the rose cookies if it's no trouble?" he grumbled, pulling out his phone. You glanced back, what happened to the nickname... not that you cared. So you told yourself. Nodding you walked away. Though from your position you couldn't help but notice a scratch across his cheek. You sighed, grabbing the cookie before he shouted. "To go". You rolled your eyes, placed it in a plastic bag and tied it closed. He dropped the money on the table watching you as you walked to the counter.

"Okay, what's wrong izuku." you huffed once you finished sorting it into your register.

"Nothing... had a business deal go... off." he smiled lightly. Of course, he couldn't tell you that by off... he meant he had been followed from the meeting cornered and underestimated. (aka, an attempted assassination). Which may or may not have resulted in six murders all that only an hour prior. Excuse him if he was a bit... grumpy. You chuckled, unable to help looking at him.

"I know what you mean. The bank said if I don't pay by a week they won't loan me out anything. I love this place, but it may have to go in a few months. I can't keep paying this and my house bills. It's okay, though I'll sell online or to stores!" you chuckled leaning a hand you looked to the window staring at your reflection. That's when you noticed through izuku's reflection... crimson on the white collar as well as tangled in the ends of his hair. In the one spot. Your eyes widened, causing you to immediately lean over the table and run your finger over it. Dried.

"Eh? What the... doll~ you really shouldn't touch another so soft and delicate like that without a warning." he purred, moving away from your delicate touch. For a second you were confused before you blinked making an o with your mouth before you began rambling showing the embarrassment.

"N-no! I mean, I wasn't! Izuku, that... you just... there's blood, I wanted to make sure you were okay. I noticed you had a cut so... I wasn't sure if you had a larger injury you didn't notice." she chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck apologetically. Izuku hid the momentary panic. He had been in such a rush he hadn't been through enough apparently. Weird, how the rain didn't wash it away. Though he supposed his umbrella did the trick for that one.

"A minor fight, I'm alright. He just... tossed a pen, yes, that's it doll. He didn't like my idea and tossed a pen which was uncapped at my face. A shame isn't it. The rest was probably from me being a classic idiot. Nothing happened, maybe a punch or two. A bloody nose, well, maybe it was broken. I must have reached to my neck to apologize and smeared it in my hair without noticing. Sorry to worry you." he was quick to make an excuse up seeing the doubt in your eyes he watched nervously as you fidgeted.

"Mhm, sure just a few punches. I'm sure you both broke a vase and possibly a chair. With how you go at it with katsuki I'd be shocked if you didn't defend yourself completely. Why else would you have all that mussel. Perhaps not just to impress women, right izu-kun?" she hummed, forcing herself to drop a tear, catching the petal she pressed it to his chest.

He shivered for a moment before he felt an odd tingle in several places around his body. The wounds were closing, this included any bruises. You watched him stand there in shock for a moment before walking off.

The sound of you saying his name with a slightly more adult tone along with a slight flirt rung in his ears. How weird you were, he thought. Able to make him feel things he thought he would never feel again. You came back dabbing away the blood, completely unaware he had been lying. You believed every word of that sweet honey dripping lie. You trusted him blindly. "Oh yeah I almost forgot. Can I get your number doll~?" he hummed holding his phone. Luck was on his side today. His phone was completely okay after his little... fight.

"Oh yeah! Wow, I can't believe we don't have each other's contacts." you chuckled showing him your number. He wrote it down before smiling lightly as he created your contact in his phone. He texted your number with a simple.

"Hey doll." you saved his number trying to think of a contact name you smiled lightly. Was it slightly cheesy? Yes. Did you still do it? Yah, you did. His contact was now izukun with two hearts on either side. You didn't really know why you decided to but you did. "I'll be leaving now, but I'll text you when I get home alright? Oh, and uh... let's set something up." he suddenly got fidgety. His hand grabbing the back of his neck as he stuttered and stammered. The words jumbled together, turning into a muttered mess. You laughed, finding it adorable how he was so confident a moment ago, but now, he seemed so nervous.

"Izu, you're muttering." you chuckled to which he went rosy red looking to you, he swallowed forming a sentence.

"W-we would... you know, go somewhere soon. Like um, a restaurant o-or the beach?" he stuttered looking to the floor. Avoiding your gaze. Was it clear as day? What he had just done... yes. Did you take the hint right away? Hah, nope. An oblivious dumbass, that's what you were after all.

"Y-yah! Tomorrow I'm off so let's hang out at the beach!" that felt like an arrow going through his chest. Hang out, not date. Though he looked to your blushing face. Could you really just be that oblivious. Small steps, he thought as he nodded, smiling brightly.

"Yeah! I'll see you at noon, then, at the beach!" Izuku squeaked, rushing to toss his shoes and coat on before running off. A childish gleam shimmering in his eyes. It didn't matter, it wasn't a date... you were hanging out with him, and only him. He did text you something as he walked though. "Hey doll~ be expecting a large sum of money. I can spare it, I think I'd be awfully sad if our meeting spot vanished."

~My Little Rose~ Villain deku x readerWhere stories live. Discover now