~Sweet Love~

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It was weird that morning, not waking up to the sun peeking through the blinds. So used to your room at home where you woke up early enough to see the sunrise. You hoped katsuki would do something for you... give the cafe to Akira. She was the closest thing you had to family. Your eyes opened, taking in the morning. You sat up noticing the spot next to you was... vacant. You stretched your arms yawning. You couldn't even see your friends anymore, stepping outside would be like trying to run back. You had made the decision to stay with him. Partly because you were afraid of katsuki losing his life. The rest was all because you loved him.

You had even gone as far as to make a how to survive happily here. Don't piss anybody off. Keep to yourself unless it's izu. Don't share your opinion. Ignore their talks, ignore them, ignore the blood they enter wearing. Block out any thought of what they do. Turn a blind eye to what they do. Spend as much time with izuku as possible. Lock yourself away during meetings.

You recited these things over and over in your head as you made your way towards the smell of food. "Grab a plate, go back to the room" you whispered to yourself walking into the room full of villains. You kept your head down. Despite trying to ignore them, you knew each face. Spinner, toga, twice, kurogiri, tomura... and izuku. Your feet slightly dragged against the cold floor as you grabbed a serving of pancakes.

"Doll~ don't tell me you planned on eating alone." izuku hummed a small smirk forming on his lips. You looked up to him gulping with a small nod. He sighed motioning with his finger for you to go over to him. You were hesitant but walked over to him. He took your plate, setting it next to his before pulling your shirt collar. He leaned in whispering. "Come on doll. Sit down and try to play nice", he had this tone when he whispered. It sent pleasant shivers down your spine while at the same time sending small strands of fear through your body. It was soft full of love while demanding and threatening. He backed away, flashing a soft smile. You couldn't help the soft pink to your cheeks as you took a seat directly to his left. His arm went around your waist pulling you closer.

Toga was sitting to his right, keeping a large amount of space between them. She leaned over though with a smile. "HI! I'm so happy to meet you (y/n)~ izu here has told me so much about you! Wanna know something that will make you proud." she didn't even wait for a reply before going on about whatever she was about to talk about. "You got him to smile! I mean, really smile! He was going on, and on, then he paused, and poof a smile! Like a genuine real smile! He looked so lost in love!" Toga giggled, kicking her feet against the counter.

You watched izuku go bright red before he grumbled some words nobody heard. "Seriously? The cold emotionless brat managed to smile again?" Izuku glanced at those who had spoken tomura leaned against the fridge, sipping what you could only suspect as black coffee. You could smell it from her almost disgusted. You stood up walking over to him.

"You are all weird" there went, ignoring them and staying away. "Give it to me, the coffee." izuku smirked, raising a brow.

"(y/n) you do realize there is nothing to make something to your standards?" you turned around as you grabbed the mug, spilling its contents in the sink.

This time it was your turn to smirk. "Oh really? Well then, just watch me overcome that low expectation izu." you hummed grabbing a teapot. "Watch and learn, instead of using that old machine, use a damned coffee pot. Since you don't seem to have one, this will work." you huffed before looking through the cabinets, pulling out coffee grounds you made a strainer by grabbing a paper towel. "The fact you don't have a proper strainer is just sad." you mumbled, clipping it. You set water to a boil before pouring it over the coffee. You unhooked the DIY strainer, squeezing it to get any excess water out. "Done" you poured two cups handing one to the blue-haired male and another to izuku.

"Show off" izuku muttered, taking a sip, he nodded glancing at you as you sat down once more. "Well, even without your cafe materials, you're still amazing with this stuff." you nodded watching tomura who clicked his tongue. It wasn't a shock as you expected him to be like this. "Don't worry crusty over there, doesn't thank anybody for shit." you nodded going back to trying to make yourself invisible.

Once breakfast was over you retreated to your room walking to the bathroom. You locked the door and turned the water on. You splashed your face with the cold water staring in the mirror at your reflection. You couldn't help but regret this. Did you really have a choice though? The only person who might stand a chance against him was Miro. Not that he would hurt you... but he would hurt katsuki. Katsuki would never let you see him either. You couldn't live your normal life and stay with him. You just wanted the middle option that didn't exist.

You live your life while secretly meeting and loving izuku. If you did that though you would never be let out of someone's sight though. You would be stuck apart until he decided to murder the poor soul acting like a guard dog. You continued to splash water on your face as if it would wash away those thoughts. You eventually got it together and sat at your desk trying to find something to do before izuku walked in so silently you didn't notice till his arms were around you lovingly. "See love~. They aren't that bad." he planted a whisper of a kiss on your cheek before he sat on the bed. He patted the spot next to him. You sighed moving to that spot. His arm pulled you into him. "If you think I'm a monster... just say it (Y/n). If you hate me, just say it... if you're afraid of me... spare me and just tell me." Izuku's voice dropped from his confident tone to that of a broken child. For what seemed like hours you sat having to put in your mind, he was the same age you were.

"Izu... I'm confused, hurt, and I feel betrayed. But listen to me." your hand grabbed his cheek, forcing him to look at you as your (e/c) orbs gleamed with worry. "I could never hate you. It's worrying really... no matter how many times I remind myself that you... helped kill my friends that you walk in rivers of blood and corpses... I can't see you but anything other than the hooded male who walked into my cafe. Who was there every day to talk and cheer me up. Who didn't leave me alone. For being afraid of you though. Yes, I am... not of you but what you could do... I'm scared you'll kill katsuki... or my friends like Akira." you spoke honestly watching a tear fall from his eye, leading to rivers being created. His hand cupped your cheek staring into your eyes.

"You're being honest..." he whispered, seemingly shocked you could still love him. Your eyes softened as you nodded your thumb, wiping away his tears. He leaned into your head one of his hands holding onto it tightly.

It happened so fast yet it seemed to be drawn out. Your eyes stared into the others, losing yourselves in the other grasp. Both of you let your eyes flutter to a close. Your arms dropping around the other. His around your waist, yours around his neck. That contact that has been interrupted every time came. His lips were soft and delicate on yours. You didn't pull away and neither did he. For a while you remain intertwined in your kiss. When Izuku pulled away you were both panting, staring at the other in embarrassment. "So-" both of you began furthering the blushes on your cheeks. "You can-" you both slightly smiled staring at the other. With an amused look. You kept silent and so did he. When you went to talk he did at the same time. You ended up bursting into laughter falling on your side. He joined you in laughing, laying on his side.

"I love you", he whispered, waiting for your response.

"I bet I love you more, though." you whispered leaning over to kiss his cheek.


Here we are, the long awaited kiss. :) You are welcome.

I wish you could do the titles in cursive. T_T

Also, I think this is all for today. Wrote just over 4,000 words today...

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