~His Arms~

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Izuku fell face forward into the bar, pushing himself up. He paid no attention to anybody. He'd go over the list of who made it back some other damn time. "FUCK" he shouted gripping his mask and tossing it at the wall, watching it snap in half. He yanked his hood down, tossing off the jacket. Undoing the clasps as fast as he could, he rushed to the sink, starting to wash the blood from his hair and his hands. "TOGA! MY CELL PHONE, CALL HER DAMN IT!" izuku screamed watching as toga hastily grabbed izuku's phone wincing.

"100 missed messages, 37 calls... all form her." she mumbled, calling your contact. Immediately you picked up relief dripping from your voice.

"IZU! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" you screamed holding the phone tightly on your end.

"Hey doll~ heh, sorry I was, uh trying guess none of my messages went out. Listen I need a favor doll~" you hummed waiting for him to go on. "So I may have just made a little uh, screw up? I just need you as an alibi mkay~? If somebody brings my name up, we were calling the whole time alright princess?" his voice shook trying to calm himself down.

"Izu, what's with the faucet in the background?" you hummed, still worried about katsuki.

"Oh, I'm just... washing dishes. Look, I'm swinging around with my car in a bit. Your cafe in half an hour got it doll? Don't let me down." izuku motioned for toga to hang up as he pulled his head from the sink, grabbing a washcloth he began drying it. The fluffy tangles he tried his best to keep tamed sprung up in a frizzy disaster. "Kurogiri, I need a casual set of clothes." izuku barked before an outfit dropped into his arms. He rushed to change checking for any traces of blood. He was racing a clock...

Katsuki was hardly conscious when you got a phone call. "Hey (y/n)", it was mitsuki she appeared to be crying. Your heart sank bracing for the news. "Hospital, katsuki is alive... but he was stabbed 19 times over, he's hardly holding on. They need... a healing quirk." you bit your bottom lip looking around motioning you needed a ride the desk lady who had just gotten the news from the hospital grabbed your hand tugging you to her car. Quickly you rushed to the hospital. They led you to his room; you didn't have to force them... the tears fell on their own, petal after petal fell to the male's chest... Some of the wounds slowly began to mend, others attempted to heal but eventually came to a stop at some point. Wounds that were meant to kill. Ten minutes flew by before they pulled you away from his body. He was breathing unconscious, living on machines. Barely alive... you looked at your phone. Izuku... he would hold you comfortably, right? He'd let you cry all night.

Only if he got to you before the heroes learned what little katsuki knew.

Everything in that half hour was flying by one moment you were next to bakugo's body the next you were running through the rain, unlocking the cafe doors. Almost tripping instead of the ground you fell into the arms of that emerald eyed male. He gripped you in a tight embrace. Both of you quickly became soaked by the rain's speed, picking up rapidly. Thunder sounded spooking you. He only held you closer. His finger, lifting your chin, worry coated his eyes while tears poured from yours.

It wasn't exactly romantic yet in seconds your eyes fluttered shut. You felt safe and comforted in his arms. You melted into his tight embrace as your tears fell to a stop.

He picked you up by the waist pulling you inside the building. Smiling lightly as he moved a strand of your brilliant (h/c) locks from your face. He took a seat on the bench pulling you close to him. You sat on his lap as the sound of thunder came crashing around you. His arms wrapped around you tightly as he stared at the ceiling.

"I think I'm going to lose him... he's barely alive I couldn't save him izu! I know you hate him, but he's still a human with a life... What if he never wakes up? Never gets to be number one?" the tears started falling again. On any other day you would be embarrassed and stuttering. He turned you around, so you faced him with a sigh he stroked your cheek lightly.

"Doll~ I'm sure he'll live. He seems to always get to live." izuku whispered.

So even as the sun sets behind those dark repelling clouds you and izuku stay together. He was afraid if he left you... he would never see your face again. You eventually fell asleep in his arms. The rush of adrenaline and the time that had seemed to go by in a matter of seconds all slowed to allow your mind a rest.

He let you stay like that for a while before he picked you up and got you back to your apartment. He laid you in your bed. His face slightly turned a slight pink as he climbed next to you keeping distance. He pulled out his phone reading his most current texts. Not wanting to deal with anything right now, he simply sent a bland text. "Sleeping over with her." he hit, enter, making sure to delete the messages after. Wiping them completely off his phone.

At some point at night, Izuku noticed you move and start to shake. Out of some kind of reflex he inched close, wrapping his arms around you he pulled you close, your head on his chest as you slept. "It's alright my little rose, my doll. I won't let anybody take you away." he whispered, finally closing his own eyes and drifting off to sleep...


For now, le drama shall decline a bit. 

Also, sorry for the shorter chapter. I wanted to give this more of a rushing feeling in the middle to represent how everything seemed to be going by so quick.


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