~cafe A La Rose~

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The sun was glimmering as it rose, dusting the city streets in a mountain of orange light. The air was crisp as winter began slowly fading to spring. Flowers blooming filling the air with sweet aromas. The stores nearby were all starting to change the scenery and options from winter to spring. You walked with your (h/l) (h/c) hair strung loosely in the wind. A (color) scarf wrapped neatly around your neck. A heavy yet not winter heavy (color) coat for the warmer weather placed upon your body. Underneath your cafe uniform was worn with pride. Your cafe still had its winter decor, but you liked to keep it up until the first true buddings of plants rose. You opened the outdoor seating earlier than most though. Another reason why your cafe was so popular, while you took from march to April to fully switch over from winter to spring, your menu split between the two seasons. You represented the changing seasons. A light amount of spring options that still gave the crisp winter airs welcoming breeze, among the winter's warm items such as hot chocolate. Even the decor around your shop began to change, the plants that in summer strung around the opening sign beginning to sprout. The colors of the lights set to warmer colors that were not to spring, not to winter. Light greens and blues gave your little cafe a bright and welcoming atmosphere.

You smiled walking up to the door, you fished for the keys, unlocking the door to the small fence before walking to the door and unlocking that one too. With a shiver you removed your coat hanging it on the rack. You removed your boots so as to not track mud or dirt along the floor. You slipped on the required black sneakers before walking to the back of the cafe and setting them in your small office. You washed your hands heading to the kitchen. Slowly you grabbed the dough, rolling it out softly. It was your average day, working to keep you alive and cared for. The bell at the door chimed signaling one of your employees had arrived. You checked your watch with a sigh popping the star shaped cookies into the oven. "Remember to clock in! We've been having problems with people not clocking the right hours!" you shouted, wiping the sweat from your brow as you began making a cake. Everything you sold was made that day. Leftovers went to the homeless shelters and veteran shelters and homes.

"Hey (y/n), are you doing anything well, you know what?" a girl's voice shouted from the other end of the store close to your office where the lockers were. You were confused before the date came to mind.

"Yah, katsuki and I are both attending. I said I'd make some treats as well as donate some money to the recovery efforts." you shouted back finishing the mixing you poured the batter into a heart shaped pan. A mint rose cake, something that's not winter or spring. A special item for this time of year.

The girl who had been shouting to you slowly came into the kitchen. Her long raven hair tied up into a messy bun. Her night blue strands neatly twisted into her hair, making her silver eyes shine standing out against her pale complexion. Standing at nearly 6ft, she hovered over you. Her pointed ears and elongated fangs showing today. "You know, (y/n) I still ship you and that pro. Imagine the comfortable life you could have! Oh, and the kids would be so adorable! Staying single is going to be the end of you." your friend and coworker hummed, grabbing a bunch of dough to start on croissants.

You rolled your eyes focusing on getting the amount of food coloring perfect for the cake. "Akira, would you stop playing match-maker? I'm like 89% sure he's into boys." the memories flooded into your mind dulling your mood. You shook them away just as fast. Though your eyes traveled up the wall to that picture of the gang.

Akira smirked, tilting her head back to look at you. "11% unsure, who knows he may even be into both~ if you don't snatch him up I might. The man's hot as hell. Plus, he's got that personality you know fiery yet you can tell he'd be real good to his lover." you rolled your eyes again but couldn't help but smile as you pulled the baked goods from the oven just to set the cake in.

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