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Rain, the soft patter of those droplets, hit the cement lightly. The sky's bright sun is blocked by those dark and gloomy clouds. Small light booms from thunder rang in the air as you walked through the streets. The sound of rain clicking against the umbrella filling your ears. "The day of his birthday, and it just has to be like... this." you mumbled already standing in front of the agency door. You went to ring the doorbell, the large door opened before you even had the chance. The lady at the front desk greeted you by name, pointing you to the upper floors.

"He's waiting for you in the kitchen Mrs. (l/n). Careful, he seems to be in a bit of a sour mood today!" The girl chuckled watching you sigh. After all, you had abandoned the plans he made with you yesterday. All for a good reason though!

"Kagashi how many times do I have to tell you to just call me (y/n)!" you huffed watching her chuckle as you rushed upstairs with the cake. Luckily, it had survived the sky's tantrum today. Thunder, it didn't faze you too much when it was off in the distance, but when in got close and loud. It could make your body tremble.

"Tch, your late dumbass. Shocked you, fucking showed up." he huffed pushing himself from his leaning position on the fridge he tossed it open, holding his arm out. "Give it here" he mumbled watching as you rolled your eyes and handed the cake to him.

"Hey! Come on katsuki, don't be so sour. When you fall in love again, which I know you will." you paused looking at him nervously. Would this hurt your relationship with him? Telling him somebody he hates may or may not have swept you off your feet or that you were mere centimeters away from well... kissing. "You'll do the same thing for them... right? That's how love works."

But, he already did that... for you. The realization shot through his heart as he stared at you, letting his mouth gape slightly. "You and... that damn deku? Are you serious right now?!" he had to be happy for you... had to be there for you. But, if the other ever hurt you, he'd find a casket waiting for him.

You smiled, nodding a blush creeping onto your cheeks. "I... yesterday we uh... like kissed almost. I don't know what to do anymore katsuki... I don't want this to stand between our friendship since the two of you don't get along, but I really do think i l-love him!" he stared at for a while painfully taking a seat at a table after you.

"You just met him. How the fuck are you head over heels for that idiot! He's a quirkless idiot who might as well be called an idiotic nerd! He's hella secretive, weird, and he's a completely different person than he used to be! Not in a good way either." bakugo hissed trying to hold himself together. In two months he had lost all chances... deku, it always seemed to bite him in the ass. That nickname he gave izuku. Useless, well, he was turning out to be more than that.

"I don't know! He's sweet and gentle. At first, he was cold, but for the past two months we saw each other every single day. Chatted and hung around, he made me smile. When he calls me doll, it makes me feel like I'm floating. He can also be adorable... like a puppy? There are moments where his emerald eyes shine with what I'd call true joy. I just... can't get his smile out of my head. I'm sorry katsuki..." you smiled lightly watching him stumble for words as he stood up waking quickly away down the hall to the stairs.

He pulled his office door shut, locking the door as he stared up at the pictures that decorated his walls. From his childhood all the way till now. He looked at the picture of him and izuku as kids. "Damn it..." he hissed glancing at the picture of his and kiri's first date. It took a bit to pull himself together and walk out to meet some of his friends in the dining area.

"Ey! Ground zero, you didn't tell us (y/n) was coming!" mirio hummed with his usual bright smile.

"Yah... I wasn't sure if she was actually going to show up" he looked to you just to make it clear he was still a bit pissed about that. You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms with a huff.


Everything was going swell. Laughter filled the room, jokes and people teasing katsuki. You smiled watching everything. Just as you went to hand out presents to katsuki, an alarm went off. Katsuki looked at Mirio, who sighed. "Dumbass, you are not to leave the agency understood?" katsuki lowered his gaze before grabbing his gauntlets and rushing down the stairs.

T.v, you needed to get to a T.v. as far as you knew those alarms, those high risk ones hadn't gone off since that night. Normally reports come in through just the speaker or a text, even a call to the front desk. However, the alarms were going off at every agency.

You rushed to the lounge area, finding there were a group of people already watching. From the camera's angle you couldn't help but feel aggravated. Smoke covered the entire surroundings, making it impossible to get a good look at what was going on. You stood there, gripping your arms worriedly. You whipped out your phone texting izuku. "Hey, are you seeing this? I'm safe in case you were worried, I'm at the bakugo agency. Are you okay or uh safe?" you watched your phone anxiously looking from one screen to another. The smoke seemed to clear away, eventually revealing the top security. There were gaps from every direction.

There on the gate, making his first ever public appearance, stood a masked male, a hood covering his hair. Every inch of his skin hidden away. The hood to his costume had two rabbit ears falling from the sides. Even his mask was that of a rabbit. He wore a nice suit with a deep green jacket that flowed behind him in the wind. He seemed to be sucking on a lollipop staring directly at the camera. "Is it nice to finally meet me? Younger than expected, am I correct citizens and heroes I suppose?" he hummed, opening his arms wide and falling backwards on the walls arc. His legs caught letting him hang upside down. "I'm an adult now, but I guess you can say my career started when I was still a teen~ at the moment several heroes are making their way to try and stop the impending doom. I expect casualties to mainly be the guards. Though... I plan on one specific casualty, I failed to complete a year ago~ ground zero." The villain's voice dropped hate seething through his voice as he said the hero name. A whimper came from your mouth as you grabbed your phone rapidly, texting him. This wasn't happening not again!

"No, no, no! Nononono not again! Damn it! Please not him to..." you whispered almost falling to your knees. One of the staff helped you sit on the couch as you stared up at the screen.

Within seconds the male seemed to disappear. Cameras tried to see what was going on but from the fire that was slowly spreading and the smoke despite the rain.

The entire world was left on the edge of a cliff. Nobody knew what was going on or what was happening. Nobody understood the reason for ground zero being targeted.


*silently bows* I am here to open the can of, 

~ Drama ~.

~My Little Rose~ Villain deku x readerWhere stories live. Discover now