~Time Passing By~

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The sun rose and set with each passing day. You began to care less and less about what izuku did. It concerned him slightly, the other members of the league worried about your mental health. You would assure them you were fine because you were. That day left an imprint in your brain that twisted your thoughts in a slight but extreme way. He would kill to protect you, that was all that your brain screamed when you watched him that day. If possible, it made you love him more. He was your world and you were his.

Nothing too extreme happened, but the chaos that had once erupted the streets slowly began to reside as everybody talked mainly about izuku on the news. Your name faded from reports those fliers eventually fell abandoned.

Your cafe was in fine shape though. Katsuki made sure that lasted just in case... he spent all his free-time there. Akira, your best friend, took care of your apartment for you, keeping it clean and ready in case you were ever to return. She ran the cafe now, Alex was moving around in life, no longer hurting inside. Your small actions left last remarks on the cafe. The food wasn't as good as it had been, but it still drew people in. people would leave flowers in hopes one day they would reach you. While the press may have forgotten your name... the people you knew and who knew you never lost the sound of your name on their tongues. Katsuki had never stopped checking his phone every night looking for your contact to spring alive. Had that goodbye meant you were no longer around?

He had so many things he wanted to tell you. How he had moved on finally. His heart belonged to somebody ordinary. That person happened to be running your cafe. He worked every day to try and find that base. He knew you would never leave izuku willingly, but izuku would have to be put behind bars.

Days turned to weeks then months. Before anybody had realized that day had come again. Two years ago the massacre had happened. The whole time you spent with Izuku growing closer to the league. Changes were happening around you and izuku was the cause. Every villain big and small knew his name and feared him. The same could be said for the heroes. Mirio was the only one who could stand much of a chance. In recent months, though, the only reported murders were other villains. Patrols were starting to become boring, the most exciting thing being somebody stealing a purse.

More and more heroes settled into worry, fearing the league was planning something. The crime rates were at all time low since all might retire. Izuku wanted to make the world a safer and better place. One could say he was placing himself as the hero in this world. Even if that meant pointing all the world's hate and fear on himself. He would sit on a throne made of corpses and blood while doing his part. You clung to his side, the two of you taking walks along the beach more and more often. Soon another year passed making you and izuku 21. Crime rates continued to get lower and lower. So many dreams are starting to come true. Heroes began to drop into retirement and people felt safer walking outside at night. The event from three years ago was slowly fading into the back of people's minds. Inko was old with age now, still holding on in hopes her son would come back home. Mitsuki, despite her old age, she was as hot-tempered as she ever was. Katsuki remind number one barely sliding in front of mirio.


It happened so suddenly. You were celebrating your birthday, toga and izuku had tried their best to make a cake. It was pretty awful, leaving you to make one. They all apologized, but you shook it off. The small group you had grown attached to stood chatting. You hadn't noticed izuku slip away from the dining room to grab something. You could never make it official but... you could still do it.

When izuku popped back into the room everybody was handing you gifts. It was weird getting gifts from villains, but you had gotten used to having spent birthdays and holidays here already. You noticed Izuku hadn't handed you one everybody looked at him. Toga was smiling excitedly, making you suspicious of what his present could be. You didn't even have to guess when the over confident villain dropped to one knee. Your hand flew over your mouth as he pulled a box out. "I know... we can't ever be a normal couple or do things you want to experience... I know we can never make it official, but will you marry me (y/n?)"

You dropped to your knees, nodding and unable to keep your tears from falling. He slid the ring to your finger. Before you were 22 you walked through an abandoned building. Quite the most unordinary unofficial wedding you had ever been to. You couldn't help but laugh when the gold rings were presented.

(y/n) midoriya... it sounded so right. Even if it wasn't official and never would be to you, izuku and the league, it was as official as you could get it.

A third year passed leaving you married to izuku for a year. It happened accidentally.

Completely accidental, you were sure it shouldn't have been possible, but here you were staring at the proof. What if he doesn't want it? "Toga" you cried, shoving the plastic to her chest, tears starting to spill from your eyes. Toga looked up and squealed. "Shh! What if he..." toga pressed a finger to your lips with a mischievous smile she took off. You dropped your jaw in shock running after her.

"Oh izuku~ (y/n) has something to tell you!" toga hummed giggling you ran after her, eventually tackling her to the ground by tripping her.

"Hm?" izuku said, holding a mug of coffee. He looked to the small plastic thing he knew was a pregnancy test back to you then to the test. "Holy shit... oh... uh, okay... 22... first kid at 22... uh, how do we do this? I don't even know what to..." you stared at the floor as he shook his head walking over to kiss you.

"You're not upset?" Izuku scoffed, sighing as he looked into your eyes. He had grown a bit taller, standing nearly 6 '3.

"Of course not! I'm happy... sure we're going to have a few problems here and there but a family that sounds amazing!" he smiled, kissing your cheek again.

And so months of torment began. Morning sickness, mood swings, cravings, outbursts, days of just doing nothing... and more.

It was over though eventually and you had her. A girl who shared your (s/c) and izuku's freckles with your (e/c) eyes.

A year passed and you raised her alongside izuku. You talked about more and agreed to it.

At 25 With your first child now two you had another...

Nothing prepared you for what would happen though... how your life would change after nearly six year of living here.


Ima break y'all's hearts pre-warning. Nobody is going to die, don't worry. :)

I have noooooo ideas soooo we are going with y'all to help me out here.

I need a name for the first one. I got her quirk and appearance figured out though.

Then would y'all rather see twins next or no? If so name(s) and quirk(s)? Appearance(s)?

T-T so close to the end already T^T

-Sorry about that... I posted before editing XD

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