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The sun glistened through your curtains before your phone went off causing you to wake up. Looking down to the message, you read the contact and groaned. It was far too early to listen to yelling. You answered anyways. "Tch, took you long enough to answer dumbass! I'm off today remember? We already set up a time. Don't tell me you forgot? Today at noon?" shit... you ran your hand through your mess of bed-head.

"About that... so I-" he cut you off on his side of the line he was clutching his phone tightly. Controlling his breathing just how his anger classes had taught him to do.

"You're going with deku aren't you... great. So you forgot you scheduled something else with me. Seriously dumbass? What's today... I'm hurt a little. Whatever though." you winced setting the phone to speaker as you got ready.

"Okay, listen, I took tomorrow afternoon off ya know! Just so I could take the birthday boy out. Today is the day before your birthday, jesus katsuki. Look I'm sorry I forgot we had pre birthday plans. But at least I remember tomorrow is the actual birthday. I'll stop by the agency with cake and shit." you hung up rolling your eyes. You didn't see the big deal. Not like it was anything special you were missing. But to katsuki, this was another point lost, a point gained for deku.

You decided to check on the cafe to see how things were going before you actually walked off to the beach. The moment you walked in, you noticed Akira look you over. "Omg, you're going on a date!" she rushed over with a smirk. "Finally, ask out that pro?" she whistled. You turned red, shaking your head.

"No! I'm just going out with a friend! We're meeting on the beach. He's kinda katsuki's opposite of katsuki. I'll give you details later!" you hummed ordering two cupcakes and his usual coffee.

"Omg... you found a boy! Good luck with that crush! I'm not stupid I can tell by the stutter and your embarrassment! Good luck! I want full details later!" Akira hummed.

"Just friends" you muttered as you walked down a few blocks and onto the sand looking around before you heard your name shouted. A memory forced its way to your mind. Kirishima restraining bakugo, who was trying to charge denki for making him drop his croissant. You shook the memory away, walking over to izuku. "Here" you smiled, handing him the drink and a cupcake.

He smiled lightly, handing out a check. "Here" he mumbled, sipping the coffee.

You stared at it in shock... "I thought... you were joking." you mumbled trying to hand it back, he simply shook his head. An urge to stroke your cheek rushed through him, causing him to look out to the ocean.

"You know I was shocked to find kacchan still had my number. Guess I should have changed it after junior high. He said I was a little bitch, apparently I stole you away." he chuckled. Shamefully you chuckled nodding as the two of you began walking down inches away from the water.

"Yah, I forgot we had set something up for today. It's alright since im tossing him a birthday party at his agency tomorrow." you smiled lightly thinking about tomorrow. Your mind refocused on the waves of the ocean. "Hey izu," he glanced at you with a 'hm'. "N-never mind" you mumbled. The two of you walked around a bit before sitting down to enjoy each other's company. You ended spending the whole day together. Deciding to watch the sunset together. Which you forced yourself to say was nothing romantic.

Your eyes softly drifted shut causing you to lean over. His arm wrapped around your waist as you lay your head against his shoulder peacefully. He brushed away a strand of your hair. His finger dancing across your cheek. You didn't stop his soft touch, rather liking it. The last rays of the delicate sun laid across the water, turning it into a dance of reds and oranges. He looked to you, so close to him, he thought as he placed a finger under your chin lifting it to him. You looked to his eyes.

It had only been close to two months. Yet, you knew what you were ignoring was true. You were scared to admit the flutter in your stomach every time he called you doll. The rapid pace of your heart each time you got this close to him. You had spent every day talking for an hour to even a few hours at night. The two of you had bonded.

He had first seen you as just another person he could use. It was amazing how quickly he found himself opening up to you. How quickly those feelings changed into this admiration and caring. How jealousy wrapped around his heart every time katsuki looked into your eyes or attempted to make his presence known as something other than your friend.

You both stared into the other's eyes, lost in the oceans that lay there. You who kept nothing from him, and him, who kept so many things a secret.

He did not want to scare you away or to ever lose you. That was the price for falling in love. You did not wish for him to get hurt or to lose him.

Without so much as a word, the two of you were centimeters apart from your lips making contact when his phone went off. Your cheeks immediately coated a red as you stood up clearing your throat as he answered his phone. "Mhm...WHAT! DAMN IT! I'm on my way!" izuku pinched the brim of his nose, pocketing his phone. The stress of that short call dispersed quickly when he looked at your flustered form. "Hmm~ another time my little rose, my doll~." he smirked, brushing his lips against your cheek. He made sure you got to the cafe safe and sound. Still flustered from his sentence and a quick kiss on the cheek.

Oh, god... you had really fallen for him. Akira ended up being a complete fan girl asking you questions left and right while serving people. You could read her thoughts. She shipped it, she liked it, and was ready to match make if she had to.

As you stood a blushing mess at an innocent everyday job. Izuku walked into disorganization. His knife cleanly slit though people's throats as he walked to his office, pulling out a pistol he shot it non lethally, just enough to startle the stranger. "Toga is like a sister. You lay a hand and you get the insane little brother okay~? Too bad I gotta kill you cause, you saw my face outside the mask." he chuckled, slitting their throat. Toga was crying in a corner rushing towards him.

"I'm useless like this!" she whimpered, falling into Izuku's arms. He comforted her like a younger brother escorting her to her room.

"Do you still want to go tomorrow?" he mumbled, to which she nodded.

This was his secret little present to kacchan. An all out attack on the prison. All so he could have most of his family back. He planned on killing him off tomorrow. It came with a bonus now. Getting rid of a rival while killing off his largest enemy. You would never even have to know what happened.


Hehe, still too early for a kiss.

Plz Don't kill me T-T.

~My Little Rose~ Villain deku x readerWhere stories live. Discover now