~opening up~

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I would like to start today off by saying, yes, I am writing this lovely twisted chapter in class cause, I've been given the hour to do nothing with my life, so I chose to do something with it and write this chapter, please enjoy some fluff and reader-Chan being a bit different

From your beloved (maybe?) author


The sun was already shining as you sat up in your bed stretching out your arms. You looked to the side not finding Izuku, you sighed, swinging your legs from the bed to the floor. You walked over to your dresser noticing an emerald hoodie you smiled lightly reading the note. "Sorry for last night - izuku" you placed the note down sliding off the outfit you wore you slid the hoodie on. You snickered at yourself. The hoodie fell to your knees, the sleeves drooping pretty far from your arms. You grabbed one of the strings, putting it in your mouth you chewed on it. A habit you had with hoodies.

You didn't bother with wearing anything under it since it was so long. You walked to the mirror eyeing the bruise that ringed your neck thankfully the hoodie covered most of it. You quickly walked to the kitchen. Already hearing conversation, you tilted your head, wondering how long you had slept in today. You stepped into the kitchen spotting Izuku, you walked over to him, you yawned slightly, wrapping your arms around him from behind. "Well good morning to you too doll~." izuku chuckled lightly, tilting his head back to look at you.

You hummed a half asleep reply, barely making an audible word. "Mornin" you yawned sitting down next to him. He noticed you were wearing his hoodie right away, chuckling lightly. "Is it comfy?" he asked, rubbing your hair. You leaned onto him with a nod.

"Mhm." you mumbled s kurogiri slid a plate to you. Nobody wanted to pry, but you both could tell everybody was confused and shocked. They had heard the yelling yesterday yet here you two were acting as if nothing had ever happened. Nobody dared to ask any questions fearing it would upset them. Toga snuck a photo of you two.

"You two are so adorable this morning!" she giggled, shoving her phone in her pocket. Izuku glared lightly as everybody continued talking. Toga eventually couldn't help herself and just spout what she had wanted to ask. "So did you two... you know do the deed and make up?" she hummed watching the room go silent.

You shot up, now completely awake, your face going red as a tomato. "Huh? W-why would you think that toga! W-we just talked and cuddled!" you squealed, covering your face with your hands.

Izuku, just like you was shocked, comprehending her question before he lit up in a flustered mess. "We did nothing of the sort!" he mumbled looking away as toga giggled.

"Just messing with you! Despite your tough attitude we all know you're an innocent broccoli izu!" she giggled, leaning back in her seat. Even tomura, who was usually silent and cold, let an amused chuckle leave his lips.

"I don't know if I would call him that toga. Innocent but well just ask his little lover." you looked to tomura raising a brow.

"Oh yah! Izu is a god at flirting!" toga giggled clearly trying to embarrass the both of you.

"Toga!" you squeaked covering your face as she continued to amuse herself in embarrassing the two of you.

"It's only because I have good looks ya crazy psycho!" izuku mumbled peeking from his hands to glance at you.

"Mhm suuuure, you totally aren't just a natural at being sly." toga hummed looking at tomura. "Shigi! Back me up on this one! You two twice."

"Toga is right, nah, you're just good-looking." twice spoke, contradicting himself. You chuckled lightly looking from your hands, your blush not yet receding.

"Tch, he's not even good-looking just an overconfident flirt." tomura grumbled, earning a slight chuckle from your lips. Everybody stared at you, suddenly the topic changed.

"Woah, (y/n) is actually interacting and laughing with us! Izu I think you broke her? She normally just goes along, really only replying when Izuku asks her to, or she's talked to directly!" Toga stated, amazed by your sudden change.

Izuku winced slightly, taking it a bit too literally. Last night playing back in his head. You smiled glancing at him as you wrapped your arms around him tightly. "I guess, I finally allowed myself to get to know you all... I was pretty judgmental before. I don't approve of what you do... but you aren't bad people, ya know?" you smiled nervously watching as everybody nodded conversation, picking up again

When breakfast was over you helped Kurogiri wash the dishes while talking with him. It was weird for you at first, but that morning had opened your eyes a bit. Just like how izuku under all those layers of shells was truly a good person so were the others.

Over the next few days You noticed Kurogiri was like the adult of the group. He seemed to watch over them and stop rising arguments among the members. You noticed this when he stayed back in the bar with you while the others were out doing things. You often had long talks about things you missed or things you wanted to do sometimes.

Toga was a bit like the crazy younger sister, sweet yet protective and willing to do whatever she needed to protect those she cared about. Yet she was gentle and playful around others. If ever izuku wasn't around and you didn't feel like doing much, toga snuck into your room and you would have little girl chats. Something you hadn't done since Mina was killed. She would do your hair or your nails and you would do hers.

Twice was like that uncle who everybody wishes they had. Funny and exciting. He spread laughter quickly among the group but also could be serious while caring for everybody. Sometimes you and toga would just sit around twice making jokes and watching movies. Something you had done with mina and kirishima. Another of the things you didn't let yourself do in fear of opening up and losing friends again. They got you to smile and laugh. Izuku would come home some night late to find you all sitting eating smores you had done over the stove's flame. He'd sit down and join you guys. Just like how bakugo did whenever he felt like it. Doing things like this, let you set those memories aside and find peace with them, no longer looking at them sadly but happily as a remembrance of the simple times.

Tomura was that older brother who acted tough and cold but truly deep in his heart cared and loved each member of his family no matter how different or annoying they were. Some days you would sit on the couch and play video games with him. It was funny when you won against him. He'd get super aggravated and turn his controller to dust accidentally when he forgot to wear those special gloves, or he'd just toss it at a wall. He'd cross his arms and pout before you shoved the controller in his face for a rematch. You would spend hours playing games. Sometimes izuku would pop in to see how you were doing, but he let you do what you wanted. It was weird for him at first, seeing you interact with the others. Even talking about stain, which he knew happened years ago, yet spinner still went on and on about his lasting legacy. Nobody listened to those rants, yet you did, while smiling and laughing.

At night though, you were all his snuggling or watching t.v together. You had only left the bar once with Izuku to walk along the beach late at night. You wore his hoodie, often loving how no matter what it always smelled like him. You started stealing more and more of his hoodies when they did eventually stop smelling like him, usually after the third wash you would return them. It took him a while to realize where they went since they all looked the same. He would poke fun at you for stealing his clothes when you could have just asked.

Things were quickly moving forwards, your fight removing itself from everyone's minds and thoughts. Nobody knew what had happened that night, but whatever it was they were glad it did. You were a fun person to be around. Izuku was happy to see you smiling again.


Yeet now to go to band T-T

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