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The silent whisper of the wind hitting against the window followed by the first rays of sunlight trickling in through the curtains. The chirping of the birds as the morning began. Your eyes slowly fluttered open, the smell of breakfast wafting through your nose. "Pancakes?" you questioned. Unsure how you had gotten home you slide out from under the covers sliding on your slippers. You walked to the kitchen slowly, your eyes threatening to close. You took a seat at the table, taking in the delicious aroma.

"Morning doll~" you yawned, nodding a grumbled response before you jolted awake.

"Izu?!" you squealed, shocked, your head spinning to see the male bringing over a plate of pancakes. He set the plate down before messing with your hair. You cheeks blazed a brilliant red as you grabbed a pancake.

"I take it you're feeling a bit better this morning?" izuku hummed watching as you shoved the fluffy food into your mouth. Swallowing the large bite you nodded.

"Mhm! I am, thanks for last night..." you went back to eating quickly. Something was off, but you ignored the feeling.

The two of you sat and talked. The entire time, izuku refused to let his eyes leave you. It was cute for a bit until it got a little creepy. He looked with a clear affection but never looked away. His responses came in simple nods and grunts. "Alright, something on your mind. Tell me what's going on in that head of yours." you chuckled standing up to clean the dishes his eyes followed you as you moved.

"Hm? Nothing, really, can we cuddle for a bit?" izuku hummed, causing you to lightly blush.

"Oh uh... um i... I don't know..." you stuttered as you scrubbed at the dishes. He came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. His lips came dangerously close to your ear as he whispered.

"You're so shy... doll~" he had a slight growl to his voice, sending shivers down your spine, deepening your blush.

"I-i'm not shy!" you stuttered as you set the sponge down, grabbing his hands you smiled at the strange warming comfort. You pulled him over to your coach flopping down. He let go of your waist, allowing you to fall face first on the soft cushions. You sat up puffing your cheeks out. "What was that for!" you hissed crossing your arms and looking to the side. Izuku snickered sitting at the end.

His lips curled to a half smirk, his eyes lowering into a mischievous yet affectionate look. His pointed one finger at you, motioning for you to come closer. Confused you crawled over to him. He gripped your waist, pulling you towards him. He placed you gently on his lap. Your face went bright red, unable to move from the embarrassment and shock. "Your bright red doll~ get that head of yours out of the guter~." he snickered, watching your face, if possible, become even redder. He waited no time pulling you closer, unable to hold back laughter. "So easy to tease~." He whispered to your ear, causing you to puff out your cheeks.

He tossed on the t.v letting you move around till you were only resting your head in his lap looking up at him. He glanced down his hand, brushing a strand of hair away. "Your adorable" he chuckled

"Izu." you sat up gathering courage you placed your forehead against his. Izuku was taken aback by the sudden closeness of your faces.

"Yes doll?" izuku asked, his eyes trapped in yours once again. You let your eyes flutter closed.

"I may have... that is I... you." A light chuckle escaped your lips at your own stuttered mess. The words were so easy to say in your head, so why are you acting like this all of a sudden.

"I love you too, my little rose, my doll" he whispered, closing his eyes, your lips were so close to touching. Both of you were able to feel the other's breath. Just before contact, the door to your apartment swung open, followed by a crackling explosion.



Katsuki could feel his body tingling around his wounds. He could hear voices, your sobs he wanted so bad to reach out to you, but his body was frozen. Everything black as if he were drowning. His mother shouting for him to wake up, her tears falling down. The doctor's voices though... they scared him.

"He may never wake up"

"The only reason he's alive is due to that girl's quirk."


"Would be bleeding out"


"He can't hear you" I can, though, I hear it all, it hurts so much. Why can't I open my eyes? Am I dead?

It seemed like hours went on... and on... and on... spirling through every moment of that encounter. His body gave a violent shake. The sound of a long beep before his eyes shot open, he coughed gasping for air over and over again. He looked around at the shocked faces of the doctors. "All the wounds are gone!"

"Wasn't he dead?"

"Yah for a whole 3 minutes"

"How the... alright..." the doctors couldn't place what had happened. They did decide he was alright to leave in the morning though. He didn't even wait for his mother instead he just ran. His legs carrying him through the morning brisk air. The leaves just return to the trees shaking in the wind. He ran and ran never, pausing. Past the agency, past the cafe, past the park, past a donation shelter, past everything. Your home came into his sights, eventually causing him to continue to speed up. You were the only one on his mind... he wouldn't be too late... that monster, wouldn't get away with hurting you or even being near you


Ah, yes, another short one... and yet another kiss interrupted. One day it will happen I swear.

~My Little Rose~ Villain deku x readerWhere stories live. Discover now