~Midoriya (deku) Izuku~

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Today was the anniversary of that day... you had put up your blackout curtains. The atmosphere of your shop was rather cherry compared to others. You found it like a second job to help cheer those who were hurt by this event. You pulled out photos of your now deceased friends draping a black silk over them. It was thin so you could see the photo but still get the feeling they were being mourned. You set candles up on tables and prepaid coffin cookies. Today your menu has been striped only to its simple form. No specials or anything wildly flavored. You did, though, put out the treats you had retired... the treats they always came in to eat. Uraraka and her pink dusted red velvet and cherry frosted cookies call zero gravity. Kirishima and the red riot special, a red gear shaped cake. Mina's favorite, a multicolored pink and blue cupcake with little pink horns made of fondant. And denki's a black lightning bolt cookie with a bit of spice. Shoto's half-and-half ice cream cake. Half cake half ice cream separated by a layer of fondant to keep the two from mixing. Red velvet cake with icing done like fire and vanilla ice cream with icing and fondant like ice. A tear slipped down at the memory plaguing your mind. It was funny how hours before it all went down they were right here. Everybody together, shoto, ura, katsuki, denki, kiri, mina and Iida who always just got you average chocolate chip cookie. You forced away the tear as the bell chimed in came bakugo who seemed to have the day off. Dressed in all black, he walked to the counter.

"You really went all out here... how many times did you cry setting up?" bakugo questioned staring at Kirishima.

"12... hey katsuki, can I ask you something about kiri?" you two never talked about them for fear of ending up in tears if you did. He nodded as you grabbed the desert and boxed it up along with his usual. "Y-you two were together... weren't you?" you whispered the question watching him. He froze glancing up. The hesitation lasted for what felt like hours before his hand ran through his hair.

"How long have you known?" he asked, sliding his card over the counter. The pain in his eyes was almost unbearable.

"A month before it happened... eijiro he slipped up. We were hanging out and he made a joke. I don't really remember what it was but something about your kiss... I've known since." you whispered he was tearing up unable to stop himself, he slid down into a seat, placing his hands in his hair as he choked on a sob.

"I miss him... I miss all of them (n/n- nickname). Yah know the worst part? The idiot bought me a ring... we found it clearing out his room. You know what the autopsy revealed? That damned rabbit did it! He carved into his skin... I didn't tell you that part nor did the public have to know just how damn dangerous the brat is." katsuki hissed, wiping away his tears. He stood up and left.

"I'll see you in a few hours." you whispered watching him walk away.

"I'll pick you up alright? My moms picking up her friend's kid. Says it's important he fucking attends. I'll drop you at your house to change alright?" you nodded.

That day was slow, anything extra you tossed in with the stuff you were bringing to the memorial service. It was ten minutes till closing when the bell chimed. Having just packed everything up, you shouted. "One minute katsuki! I'll be right there, I have a few things left to pack up!" only you were met with a shout back.

"Wrong person!" embarrassed you rushed to the front. When Izuku heard you call the other's name, he wanted to run the hell away. He was supposed to be home right now waiting for mitsuki. He did text her he had stopped for coffee at some local cafe. She didn't text him back or open it yet.

"God I'm so sorry! I just packed up but here I saved you a coffee just how you like it." you smiled watching him look around. He recognized one of the kids. That face would haunt him forever.

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