~Just Another Day~

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Today's morning was warmer than the previous days. There were more colors and trees budding. The smell of spring was shockingly sweet and strong that morning. Aromas of chocolates and perfumes. The abandoned streets cloaked in another morning's sunrise. Like everyday you walked to your small cafe baking until an hour passed and your employees were supposed to be there. As per usual, Akira was on-time and early by half an hour. She took off the weekend while Alex worked more hours. So, imagine your shock when Akira walked in on Saturday morning. There was no shock, though when katsuki arrived at the opening time coming in for his usual order.

"I thought you were spending today for yourself? To prepare for tomorrow?" you hummed handing him his order. Katsuki shook his head and his hero costume was on which meant he was taking the first shift of the day.

"Yah, that didn't work out. You know I woke up extra early and can't get the damn thought out!" katsuki grumbled his mood sour. You smiled handing him a doughnut with his coffee, he went to reject saying he hadn't ordered it.

"Nope, sorry, it's on me alright katsuki? You go work to clear your mind! Say hi to lemillion for me alright? Don't forget to ask about nejire!" you hummed walking him walk out. Almost another hour passed before Alex came walking through the door. He looked sleepless and tired. There were some bruises and bandages around his face and neck. Concern settled in immediately. He walked in ready to spout excuses. You pointed to your office and he walked slowly.

"I'm sorry! I just... I fell on my way and then there was-" you cut him off when you took a seat in your office chair. You motions for him to shut the door.

"Is everything okay at home?" you whispered softly looking at him. He froze up with a smile he nodded. It was fake, so very fake. "Alex, you said you're struggling financially right? Yet you come to work late and a mess. You have two hours on weekends and days you have off from school like, last Tuesday. Then I will give you three on your days you come in after class. I excuse being 5 maybe 6 minutes late. You come back from school filthy, then leave spotless. It's almost 70 out and you're wearing a hoodie covered in filth. Talk to me, kid." she whispered looking at him in the eyes. He avoided eye contact, shaking his head.

"I'm fine! I'm going to collect my last paycheck tomorrow, give it to my mom and then I'll be out of here alright!" he didn't mean to yell but the words came out in an attack. Worry, fear... you had no idea why all of a sudden your arm grabbed his tearing back the sleeve of his hoodie. Bruised... and cut. He yanked back standing up ready to run. You felt tears fall from your eyes, sparkling in the light clear petals forming like crystals in the air.

"Alex... don't tell me you want that last paycheck so you can... so you can" Alex looked at you with a sudden grip of anger, taking hold of him as he curled his hands to fists.

"YES! OK! I'm tired of this! That kid from out of the country who stutters and can't pronounce his Japanese right. That kid who doesn't belong! The kid whose father left them for a whore!" he screamed rushing to run. Your feet ran without your permission, your arms pulling the kid to you.

"Alex... if you had told me... I wouldn't have... yelled. Please, why haven't you talked to anybody" you whispered rubbing his back. Suddenly both of you were in tears. You reached to your back pocket pulling out the money you stored in your jeans. "Here kid, go take today off. Spend this on yourself. Get some food." you smiled patting his head. He looked up to you wiping his tears.

"Thank... thank you miss (l/n)" he whispered walking off.

"I expect you here tomorrow though! And until you have enough to support your mother! You don't show up. I'm calling your mom got it? Don't you dare try and hurt yourself, am I understood?" you shouted after him he nodded and bowed respect, rushing off.

You sighed walking back to the kitchen. "So I'm going to guess some emotional shit went on?" Akira hummed, setting her finished work out.

"Yah, but it's confidential" you mumbled apologetically. She rolled her eyes with a chuckle, patting you on the back.

"I know the policy, geese (y/n), you act like I'm younger."

The day came to a close like any normal day. Sure it wasn't everyday you dealt with that kind of situation but it was still an average citizen problem. Everybody in their life eventually runs into somebody who suffered or suffered like that. Your mind was distracted, not hearing the bell chime signaling you that somebody had come in. ten minutes off closing time, you still weren't used to the hooded male entering. It had been almost a month now of his visits. Every day at the same time he came in. the two of you would sit and chat for a bit before he left with an uplifted mood. You would close after cleaning his table. You would walk home to the empty house... that was you day to day life.

"Hey (y/n) you okay?" the male chuckled, tapping his foot as he watched you. You shook your head, smiling as you grabbed his order having pre-made it. He paid and walked to the same table right by the window.

"Sorry, I guess I was just distracted. I spent all day baking for the memorial tomorrow. Oh, yah just so you know you may want to stop before noon, I'm closing to attend something personal." izuku sighed. This was his... could he say a friend? Hah, nope, more like the biggest enemy ever. This street tended to be where he patrolled, it had been 5 years almost since he last saw that jerk. It aggravated him to even think about him. He had been too slow to get to the ass a year ago. That damn lemillion had reached him before he could deliver a finishing stab and reveal himself only to his lovely bully.

"You seem aggravated today and stressed? Work again? You haven't exactly talked about work lately." you hummed taking a sip of some hot chocolate. His eyes looked from his coffee.

"No... it's." he sighed looking up so for the first time you saw his face, darkened by the shadow of his hood. He was pale letting freckles stand out against his cheeks. Emerald eyes captured you, sucking you in. He gripped his cup, taking a deep breath. He felt he could say it without you laughing. "The reason I don't come here during the day" he mumbled quickly, looking to the side hiding his face again. "I knew a kid in junior high... to put it nicely he was a complete ass to me... that's a huge understatement. This is the area he lives around, patrols, etc." he grumbled, finishing off his coffee.

You nodded with a light chuckle. "Well I decided to close around noon as nobody for an odd reason ever stops by." you hummed watching him toss away his mug.

"I'm... busy tomorrow. Work and then later I have to be somewhere for my aunt." he hesitated and eventually decided that this was all he would say.

"Well, I'll see you around... maybe tomorrow?" izuku nodded as he left walking away. "Shit! I forgot to ask his name again! A month in and I don't know his name." you sighed, cleaning up his mess, closing, and returning home for some much-needed sleep.


Heyo again!

Three chapter in a single day! Seems I'm on a creative jump today!

As always, I'd love feedback!

Love y'all!

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