s e v e n .

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All of the students from (Y/N)'s class was in the airport waiting to head over to Okinawa for their class trip. (Y/N) was the most excited out of everyone there however. They had never went there for any sort of holiday in their entire life! Currently, (L/N) and Akari were talking about what they should do when they get there and they hoped they slept in the same room together also. Just as the pair of them finished talking, they suddenly heard raining pouring down. They turned around and saw out of the window that loads of rain were splatting everywhere outside of the airport and Ren started panicking along with the rest of the classmates. (Y/N) however stayed quiet, they knew what would happen next in a few minutes. Kaidou went up to the pair of them and asked where Saiki was, but both of them replied with a no, but technically, (Y/N) exactly knew where he gone too. He was going to get rid of the storm. In a quick flash, everyone suddenly heard the raining die down, or more accurately, disappeared.

"Saiki! Your here! Wait, why are you all wet?" Kaidou asked the Pink-Haired Male. It was true, the boy was covered in water and other various things. (Y/N) quietly giggled amongst themselves of how he does things just for his friends, yet denying it every second. Kusuo quietly glared at (L/N) while Kaidou, Akari and everyone else was pumped up, now they were even more excited to go on this trip since it nearly got cancelled at the last second. Matsuzaki told all of the students that it was time to board the plane, which made everyone cheer in a enthusiastic tone. (Y/N) and Akari found both of their seats which was next to each other and coincidentally the seats were next to Kaidou, Saiki and Nendou's seats. About 15 minutes later, the plane was up in the air and everyone happily talked to each other about their fun plans of Okinawa. (Y/N) suddenly remembered a scene that was supposed to be happening in this episode. They quickly glanced a look at Saiki and saw he was still taking that nap. They sighed quietly until they heard a short gasp. They looked up and saw Kusuo out of his slumber. The Male swiftly sat up and began heading to the bathroom, but Kaidou and Nendou just let him be. (Y/N) thought about whether to follow him to at least be some use to him, however they stayed glued to their seat and continued talking to Ren. After all, Saiki would probably fix the situation anyways. Suddenly, the plane started randomly flying down. Everyone started panicking yet again, while (L/N) stayed silent, all of it would be fixed soon enough, right? And they were correct, for some unknown reason, the plane started flying normally like it never stopped working in the first place and the rest of the flight was surprisingly safe. Everyone was confused at this sudden action, but kept quiet at the topic. When the plane finally landed, the group miraculously found Saiki, but it looked like he was in a horrible state, both mentally and physically. Kaidou carried Kusuo while Akari asked him if he gets sick on flights thinking that was the reason that made him incredibly ill, while (Y/N) casually roamed next to Ren and silently laughing at the psychic male inside their mind. 

Afterwards, the students had finally made it to the hotel that they were staying at. Ren was relieved since she was quiet tired after that long trip which made (Y/N) agreed with her. The teachers decided that everyone should earn a bit of food before they started unpacking and sleep for tomorrow's hectic events. Everyone cheered and sat down on all the tables that were set out in the large room, they were sat in their groups which were decided in the school before they were heading to the airport. (Y/N) and Ren were both in the group as Saiki's. This made (L/N) relieved as they hoped they didn't get in a group with someone they particularly didn't know very much. The group was excited and was already planning on what to do tomorrow while Kusuo wasn't really keen on going to Okinawa in the first place, but was forced too nonetheless. Afterwards, the boys and the girls went their separate way to the dorms to unpack, As luck would have it, (Y/N) and Akari were sharing a room together which made them both really happy as they could hang out really late in the night, unless if they were practically begging to stay awake. After they finished unpacking they were sitting and talking about anything really until Akari asked a question randomely.

"Say (Y/N)-Chan, do you have a crush on anyone?" The Blonde-Haired girl asked curiously, while giving a slight tilt in her head, (L/N) perked up at the question and started rapidly shaking their head in a 'no' gesture. The Female doubted this ever so slightly but she dismissed the answer in her head and gave a 'goodnight' to (Y/N) before she went to her room to go to sleep for tomorrow morning. (L/N), however stayed behind, sure they were quiet tired, but they didn't want to go to sleep yet. In their original life, they never had a crush on anybody because none of the people that they knew did not attract them in any way. People would like to make fun of them as a joke for not having a significant other, but then again high schools/secondary school relationships never last so it was a win-win. They sighed and finally decided to go to bed. (Y/N) got dressed in some comfortable pyjamas that they packed before going. They went inside the bed and started looking up at the ceiling. It was hard, you know, to live inside an anime, sometimes they want to go home, sometimes they didn't. Overall, so far it was a stressful experience for them but they knew it would get better in the future and they would be able to go back home, for now though, they can hang out with their favourite characters and finally be treated as a friend from them.

The student started slowly shutting their (E/C)-coloured eyes and fell into a deep slumber





(Sorry I haven't been posting recently! I was busy with school, but I'll try to post more since it is christmas break, if your reading this after christmas then i hoped you had a good christmas!)

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