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Someone was trying to wake a certain tired student and by their obnoxious loud voice it worked. The (H/C)-Haired student groaned from the noise and they nearly mistaken it for an alarm clock until they realised it was just their friend that was also shaking them uncontrollably.

"Okay, I'm up Ren! WAIT- NO DON'T-" (L/N) screamed before Akari started to tickle them which caused both of the pair to start laughing. Finally, Ren had finally given up which made (Y/N) sighed in relief. Both of them sat up and decided to get ready for the hectic day that will come upon them. Afterwards, the students walked together to the (dining hall, bruh idek lol) to eat their breakfast and to also meet up with the rest of the group because each group had to always stick together when they are outside. When they had arrived everyone else had already gathered at the table, however from looking around the room, not every student had decided to arrive yet. The students said 'hello' and 'good morning' to each other when the topic turned to what they were going to be doing today. When listening to everyone's ideas all of the group to decide to just roam around the town and see if they could buy things that interested them and they went through that plan.

Everyone else split up, but (Y/N) and Akari decided to go together. The duo went into various different shops to see if anything fascinated the two. Both of them found this cute little shop that sell different accessories like bracelets, necklaces, etc. (L/N) founded a necklace that was in the form of a heart and (Y/N) contemplated whether to buy it not, but quickly remembered that they forgotten to bring any money with them which made the student huff in annoyance. (Y/N) went passed the accessory and figured they could talk to the owner of the shop instead, which was a nice old lady. Meanwhile, Ren looked at the items until she walked over to the heart locket that her friend was looking at seconds before and smiled at it and went ahead to join (Y/N) and the owner. Eventually, the two students had to say goodbye, although, Akari asked (L/N) to wait for them while they headed back to the shop because they had 'forgotten something', (Y/N) nodded their head in understanding and patiently waited for the girl to finish. 

Afterwards, they went inside a clothing shop to see if anything captivated their gaze, only a few things had did that so they concluded to just leave and maybe choose a different shop later. Before any of this had have happened, the group had settled to come back together around 3PM (15:00). Right at the moment, the time was 14:30 meaning they had to quickly get to the cafe they planned to meet up to talk about what they had been doing while everyone else was gone. When the duo arrived everyone was already there which made the other two students worried that they had been keeping them too long, but in the end it was alright. Everyone laughed together and generally had a nice time together, even (Y/N) and Kusuo had a peaceful chat in each other's mind (While listening to everyone's conversations of course). Sadly, it was time to head back to the hotel, as it was time to eat definite gorgeous meals which made (Y/N)'s stomach growl just thinking about it. After that long walk, everyone could see the hotel from a short distance which excited them. At long last, they could relax and chill while waiting to eat some delicious japanese food!

(Y/N) and Ren were quietly talking to each other until Akari had reminded (L/N) of last night's events.

"Just so you know bestie, I think your lying about that question~" Ren said jokingly. (Y/N) had to think as they had nearly forgotten about the previous night, but quickly recalled the events and started waving her hands in defence. Ren chuckled at the movement and nodded her head as she was only joking. (Y/N) sighed and both of them went back to paying attention to all of their friends. Around 2 hours later, everyone started going back to each other's dorm rooms, alongside (L/N) and Akari. The two students were playing video games before they headed to bed like Mario Cart, etc. Since (Y/N) was the closest to the window, they could make out a Blue-Haired Girl walking towards the beach out of the corner of their eye. (Y/N)'s curiosity got the better of them and looked at the window and saw Teruhashi-Chan heading to the beach, this made their (E/C)-Coloured Eyes widen in realisation and told Ren that they had to go out for a short bit, which made Akari suspicious, but still let her roommate go. (Y/N) bowed their head in a 'thank you' gesture and rapidly went out of the dorm. When (L/N) had eventually gotten to the beach they could see Kokomi about to take Saiki's hairpin away from him and they chose to intervene in the girl's acts.

"Teruhashi-Chan, what are you doing?" The Student asked kindly. Kokomi froze and turned around to see (Y/N) in front of her. In her mind, she tried making different excuse on what she could use to seem as innocent as possible.

"A-Ah! (Y/N)-Chan! I-I was just checking up on Saiki if he was a-alright!" She said quiet loudly with a slight voice crack, but quickly caught up to it. (L/N) was obviously not having her excuse and gave a blunt response to her.

"Well, of course he's alright, he looks like he is sleeping peacefully, if anything you were going to interrupt his nap." (Y/N) said in a cold matter, making Teruhashi tense up. Unfortunately for the blue-haired female, she had given up and gave a quick goodnight to (L/N) before heading to her dorm room. (Y/N) was quiet happy with their accomplishment until they heard a noise.

"What a pain, at least you got rid of Teruhashi." Kusuo said, sitting up from his position. (Y/N) nodded awkwardly which earned a sigh from Kusuo. He patted the little bit of room left on the Beach bed and (L/N) joined him and sat together. 

"Wow, the stars are so pretty!" (Y/N) exclaimed brightly, Saiki gave a quick glance in (L/N)'s direction, but made no comment, except he made a slight smile on his face and returned to looking at the stars. In the end, maybe (Y/N) wasn't so bad in Kusuo's eyes, they are the only person Saiki can deal with sometimes which is progress for a friendship! Both of them sat together and and watched the stars.

Love Meter

♡38% (+4%) Kusuo Saiki - Kusuo was grateful you helped him get rid of Kokomi which made him respect you even more. When you watched the stars together, he was at peace for once in his life. Maybe if he hang around you more he can be at peace more times because he will be with you. He does not know his definite feelings yet, however he might consider you a friend in the future or even more?

Friend Love Meter

❤60%(+20%) Ren Akari - The trip for Okinawa definitely helped you get closer together and you had found out similar common interest for different topics. She is glad she had met you and helped her through her problems. She is happy to call you a friend, even a best friend! When she saw you fall in love with that heart locket but not having the money for it, let's just say she did you a favour :)






(Woah, brung a meter in! I'll explain more about that in the next chapter, hope you enjoyed this one. I'll see you guys later!)

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