s e v e n t e e n

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"Let your colors blind their eyes...be who you are no compromise." I hummed, beating my hand against the piano's surface in a rhythm.

"What should we call the song?" Julie asked, sliding onto the bench beside me.

"I was thinking...Great? Or..." I paused in thought.

"Edge of Great." She took the pen from my hand, scribbling it at the top of the page.

"Ooo, yeah I'm feeling that." I grinned, standing up and grabbing my electric guitar. 

Unlike the one Caleb had given me, this one was actually mine. I had personalized it by covering its sleek lilac surface with a variety of sized purple dahlia stickers. The boys weren't here right now, they had gone to see Willie I think. I strummed the guitar to the tune of the song, singing the lyrics.

"I believe! I believe that we're just one dream, away from who we're meant to be! That we're standing on the edge of something big, something crazy, our best days are yet unknown that this moment is ours to own! 'Cause we're standing on the edge of great!" I sang, grinning at Julie as I did.

She stood, dancing around the room with me. "Is that your guys' new song?" Carlos walked into the studio.

"Yeah, we're still working on it but it's coming together." I slung my guitar strap over my body, letting the guitar hang on my stomach. 

"How do you get those holograms to work?" Carlos asked, his brow arched suspiciously.

"Carlos! You wanna go watch tv?" Julie changed the subject quickly.

I huffed in relief. I never really got past my younger brother with a lie. It was the strangest thing, he could always tell when I was lying. 

"Yeah! Can we order food too Kat?" Carlos asked me.

My dad still wasn't home yet from visiting my aunt in Chicago so I was the "man" of the house until he returned.

"Sure bud, what do you want? It's still kinda early." I pulled out my phone and opened up DoorDash.

"McDonalds!" He jumped up and down.

"Gross, have some class my man." I denied his choice instantly.

"Fine. Can we get Dunkin?"

"Better." I approved his second choice, ordering a dozen donuts and coffee for Jules and I.

"Hey we want food!" Luke poofed into the room with Reggie and Alex, crossing his arms.

"You don't eat, I'm not wasting my money on--"

"Ghosts! I knew it!" Carlos pointed at me, grinning mischievously.

"N-No!" I stammered, caught off guard. Idiot!

"I won't tell! But you can't deny it anymore because I know that you have a ghost band! Also, I'm pretty sure it was them when they scared Tia." He giggled.

I turned and glared at Reggie, knowing he was most likely the one to do it. Reggie let out a casual whistle, glancing away from me. I rolled my eyes, turning back to Carlos.

"Just please promise you won't say anything." I begged.

"Cross my heart!" He crossed his fingers across his chest. 

"This is why you're my favorite." I whispered, but loudly enough for them to hear me.

"Hey!" Julie yelped.

I shoved Carlos towards her, waving them off. "I wanna listen to you play! I wanna see them!" He protested.

I looked up at Julie, locking eye contact as if asking if she were alright with it. She nodded to me and I let out a breath. 

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