Chapter 26

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I stood in front of the whole pack. We had called for a pack meeting and everyone who was everyone had to attend. No exceptions. Ok maybe if you were giving birth or something.

Today was going to mark a very sorrowful day in Blood Moon pack for reasons your about to know soon. The pack stood in front of us, all wolves tall and proud.

It was a beautiful sight. Mostly because I was standing on a wooden stage in front of them. Suckers.

Back to the point, Conner was standing next to me with Eve, Ash, Caroline, Jace, Natasha and even Jenny lined up behind us.

We had informed them all on what we thought Jenny and Natasha were up to and they added more information to solidify our assessment.

Jenny was a traitor to the pack.

So as I stood there, I was stone cold like the water I froze. My heart was a glacier her words could no longer penetrate, for now at least.

"Welcome wolves, I know your all wondering why you were brought here." Conner announced.

"There is a traitor among us and we wish to... fish them out." I said.

I looked to Conner and he nodded. I flicked my blue hair over my shoulder and walked down the stairs to the crowd.

Our plan was simple, we knew Jenny was the traitor but she didn't know we knew that and that have us and advantage. We had to be smart on this. She is a witch after all.

The members of the pack all had racing hearts and beads of sweat. I would occasionally stop and stare someone down before I move on. I hated what I was doing to them but it had to be done.

The culprit herself had a steady heart beat that made me want to throttle her. She thought she was in the clear. Bitch please.

In the corner of my eye, behind Jenny and Natasha, I could see water creeping up to her, I was trying to make it as quiet as possible so was Conner with the shadows he was collecting by their feet. Which they didn't seem to notice.

Now all I had to do was give the signal. Everyone knew what to do. Witches needed their mouths to say a spell but without their hands to direct magic, it was useless.

Ok. On three.




I turned to Conner and shrugged. Signal sent.

Guess who thought of that? Me. Duh. I mean it was perfect anyone who says otherwise needs to be checked.

It happened so fast I'm not sure I caught it all. Corner wrapped their hands and feet in shadows and solidified them then a wave of water wrapped around them both freezing solid.

I made my way back to the front a little pep in my step. I did that. So fast, like the Flash, or Supergirl, I'm sure she's faster. Right?

I walked and stood in front of both women who had been big factors in my life. The crowd was in shock but mostly relief it wasn't them. I know I would be happy it wasn't me.

Jenny sneered at me while Natasha struggled to break free.

"Why?" I asked.

I really wanted to know. Why would she betray me? Pretend to be my friend? I shared ice cream with her. I watched Netflix with her.

Jenny laughed. Her hair went from the blonde I was used to to a midnight black. Conner's was darker. That's just a fact.

"'Why?' Gemma? Your asking me why?? Well let's see, it's because your mother killed mine. Yeah that's right... I can tell by the look on your face you weren't expecting that." She said chuckling like a mad woman.

I was frozen in shock. She tried to kill me because my mother killed hers? Well her mom just have been an evil witch or something. In that case...

I moved closer to Jenny so we were eye to eye.

"Go mom I guess." I said with a smile.

She roared and tried to reach for me. Natasha had long since given up. There wasn't much she could do anyway.

I took a few steps back.

"As Luna of Blood Moon pack, I hereby banish you and you mate." I said with authority.

Jenny laughed. "You can't banish me! You are not Luna yet are you? Or marked by the alpha? Or part of the pack?" She stated smugly.

I smirked. I brought Winter to the surface and we shared the body that the goddess made for us.

"Then as the goddess' chosen white wolf, we hereby banish you from the Blood Moon pack." We said together.

I felt a tag on my chest as two bonds left the link. Jenny's eyes widened. The crowd gasped. Whispers started passing around, glances were thrown at me. Eyes so wide you could cook eggs on that. I had explaining to do that's for sure.

"No! You can't do that! You can't! You bitch!" She sneered.

I was neither amused nor affected.

I turned my back to her but that was a bad move. She broke out of her frozen prison. When I looked back, she was aiming a spell at me so I aimed a long sharp ice shard at her.

I didn't know what happened next because the red magic from her hit me square in the chest and sent me flying back, God knows how many feet.

I landed with and 'ooph' and pain in my right side. I had just healed for goddess' sake! Give a girl a damn break.

Then I heard screams. Looking up, I realised it was Natasha. She was looking at something at her feet. Conner was rushing to my side as I tried to get up.

"You ok?" He asked helping me.

"Yeah." I said with a smile and a nod.

My eyes zoomed in to what Natasha was looking at. It was Jenny, on the stage floor, a long ice shard going straight through her skill and blood pooling around her body.

"You killed her! You killed her! I'll kill you Gemma!" Natasha screamed at me, her brown skin turning slightly red from all the yelling and crying she was doing.

I felt no need to feel remorse for what I had done. She had ruined lives of many just for some pity revenge agenda. She deserves what she got.

"Take her away." Conner instructed.

Natasha was dragged out of my sight and hopefully out of my pack land.

"Let's go inside." Conner said helping me.

I walked side by side with him to the pack house as the crowd dispersed. I have something to clear up with them.

"Hopefully there's no more drama. I've had enough for one lifetime." I commented.

Conner chuckled.

If only that were true.

Natasha's POV
I rolled in the grass as my former trainers and trainees threw me over the border. They didn't even spare me a glance as they left.

I sneered at their backs as they retreated. Gemma killed my mate. I knew it may happen but I didn't want to rule it out as a possibility.

But as I watched the light die from my mates eyes and the feeling of my soul tearing into two I knew shit was getting real now.

And when shit gets real you turn to those who make some seriously bad shit happen. I turned and made my way West. It was time to visit old friends.

This is not over. You'll see me again. My story still has chapters in it.

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