Chapter 20

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I sat by the fire with the rouge group. The leader was called Shelly. She was an old woman around the age of fifty. She's been rogue all her life. She's so strong and independent it's inspiring.

It's been hard to find food this time of year but the group and I have walked all over the rouge territory searching. We managed to find a deer.

There are about thirty people in the group, ten of which are helpless children. They got food first and no one knows but I decided to skip the meal.

I've starved before and these people have been through so much and helped me so they deserve it. I sighed as I watched the flames dance.

I had never been a fan of fire. Give me a lake, rain and snow anyday. But I couldn't help but think of Caroline as I watched the fire. My eyes stung.

I hated this feeling of sadness and loneliness. I felt weak. It's been happening a lot since I got my voice back. It's like my voice came with some very unwanted emotions.

I haven't talked much since I left. It should be concerning but who will be there to admire my voice. It's nothing special. It was for him. But I'm coping.

There is a wolf here, Brian. He's been making some very obvious advances in me. It makes me hella uncomfortable because he's twenty nine. I'm sixteen for goddess' sake. I mean he looks nice. Broad shoulders, lean figure curly brown hair and green eyes.

But he has nothing on Conner's large arms, broader shoulders, small waist, dark hair and dark eyes. I miss him so much no matter how much I deny it. His betrothal hurt me a lot more than Chase's rejection.

And I don't even love Chase. Though I can't help but think of him sometimes. Why would he reject me? I sighed because I knew those train of thoughts led nowhere.

Then I smelt it. My head snapped up. It was his scent. Chocolate and mint. I stood up. Everyone looked at me alarmed. I sniffed again. It was still there.

I saw a huge black wolf with gold eyes and I just knew. It was him.

I couldn't help it as my body moved forward in his direction. Weak. I'm so weak but I don't care. He came. He looked for me. I was still angry at him though. But for now, all I wanted was to feel his body pressed against mine.

I jumped meeting his wolf. I wrapped my arms around his large neck. His wolf was even bigger than mine.

For the first time in a week, Winter came out. So we just sucked in the presence of our mate while it lasted.

I pulled back, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Why?" I asked my voice breaking.

Such a simple question but it has a million answers.

He transformed back wearing only black basketball shorts. He reached for me but I pulled back. I needed to know first.

"Gemma, it wasn't me. It was a witch. She put a spell on you. I didn't sign that letter. I would never." He said. I looked at him uncertainty. I still couldn't fully trust him.

"Look Gemma, you've been missing, I've looked everywhere for you. A week. I haven't held you in my arms for a week. I got home from a pack meeting to find you missing. I almost lost it. I found the witch and made her talk but it was too late. You were gone. " he said voice breaking.

"I've been running through the forest, I've sent out lots and lots of wolves looking for you. I did everything I could to get to you. To find you. To hold you one more time." Conner said taking his hands in mine.

I looked down at our joined hands and gulped.

"Why?" I asked again looking into his eyes. " why would you look for me? "

"Because your my mate and I love you Gemma. I love you so fucking much it hurts. All my love for you is consuming, I mean... bloody hell... I'd do anything for you. Kill for you. Protect you even if it's from myself. I love you. " Conner answered tears streaming down his face.

I was also crying. Damn. We were weak.

"I love you too." I whispered cleaning his tears.

Conner smiled and pulled me closer to his chest. I wrapped my arms around him and held on tight. I couldn't believe it. We were almost completely separated because of one witch.

"Why did the witch do that?" I asked breathlessly.

"I don't know. She said a hunter sent her." I froze and pulled back.

"What? A hunter? Why? What did he look like? Do he ask for me specifically?" I asked my breaths coming out in short pants.

What if it was him! The guy with one eye. Had he found me? No. It couldn't be.

"She didn't give us much. Only that." Conner said trying to soothe me.

I nodded but I made sure to tuck that information in my brain.

"Gemma?" I turned at the sound of my name. It was Shelly.

"Shelly. Thank you so much for what you did for me but...." I said looking at Conner. "I'm going home with my mate. " I smiled.

Shelly nodded in understanding. "Stay safe." She said.

I nodded. "Wait!" I called after her

"Here, this is my bank account number and information. Take it. As a thank you. " I said handing her a paper.

Her eyes watered. "Thank you. This means so much."

"No. Thank you. Look, I'm going to be Luna of Blood Moon pack and I would really love if you came to my ceremony." I said.

Are you sure? Conner mind linked me.

I trust her. I mind linked back.

Anything for you mate. He said causing me to blush.

"I would love to. I'll see you then." Shelly said walking back to the camp.

"Ready to go?" Conner asked.

"Yeah. I'm ready to go home." I said smiling like an idiot.

Conner shifted and so did I. Axle and Winter embraced before we raced through the forest back to our pack. I'm so happy.

To think I hated him... well disliked him a few days ago. Now we are racing through a forest and playing like pups. I guess it's the little things in life that make the best memories.


I decided that before every chapter, I would put my favourite comments. So for all of you readers out there, comment away.

Let's see whose I'll like best. :-)

His Gifted LunaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin