Chapter 23

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This chapter is dedicated to the-middle-child. Love ya.

Caroline's POV
I cried as my mate held me in his arms. The cool metal of his body calming me down. I can't believe she's gone. I felt her tie in the pack separate like ripping off an arm.

It fucking hurt. The ice refused to melt even after my fire burned hotter than a volcano. Why? Why her? She had been through so much.

I heard a growl and looked up. It was a rogue. He was limping over to us. I prepared to light his ass on fire but I stopped when waves of power and dominance rolled off Conner.

This was more than I've ever felt before. It's like being in a room full of the strongest alphas. The power was overwhelming.

When I looked up, I stared in fascination as Conner turned into a lycan. Standing up on two feet, he growled. Oh shit.

I was going to watch what he was doing when something felt off. I frowned. With my powers, I could see heat signatures. From the hottest to the coldest. My senses detected something off. It was super cold.

I know we are literally on top of a frozen lake but this was different. Like if something could be colder than ice. Is that even possible?

I turned on my heat vision eyes, ignoring Conner's death frenzy and looked around.

"What's wrong?" Jace asked me.

"Something's not right. There's this coldness that wasn't there before. Like extra chilly." I complained.

"Hey Car?" Eve asked. I looked at her. Her brown was frowned and lightning cracked from where her body touched the ice. "Do you feel that?" She asked.

I nodded. "What do you feel exactly?" I asked.

"You know how water is a conductor of electricity?" She asked. I nodded. " well it's like in the water there's a part of it that's a better conductor. Does that make sense? " she asked.

"Yes and no." I complained still looking for the source of the coldness.

When I looked down, I gasped. There was a cold signature in the form of a body. Gemma? What the hell?

"Eve look!" I said scrambling on top of the figure.

Eve rolled next to me and peered down below. She gasped. "It's Gemma. She's what I've been feeling. What the hell?" Eve grumbled.

"She's gifted." Have said.

We all turned to him. "What?" I asked.

He sighed. "I died when I got my powers, fell into melting metal. She could be the same." He said his voice emotionless.

My heart hurt hearing that story. I've heard it before and I couldn't take it. I grabbed his hand and squeezed. He squeezed it back.

"It makes sense. Get her out." Ash urged.

"I can't. Did you not see me try?" I asked angrily .

"Do it together with Eve. Jace and I will go distract Conner long enough so Gemma gets out and calms him down before he goes on a killing spree world wide." Ash said.

We all nodded and the boys were off.

"Be careful." Eve and I said in unison.

Both boys nodded. We didn't know what Conner would do in his lycan form. He seemed to have no control whatsoever.

"Come on Eve. I'll heat here. You just strike the same spot ok." I said.

"Ok." She answered.

We got to work. Come on Gemma. Please be ok.

Gemma's POV
I placed my palm flat on the ice. I couldn't hold my breath anymore. Poor Conner was trying his best to get me out.

Conner stopped punching the ice and placed his hand flat on mine. I could make out the blurry image of his bruised knuckles and tear stained face.

It hurt I couldn't get to him and clean them away. Winter had become weak and I was on my own. My body begun to sink into the cold water. I heard vibrations that I guess was Conner's voice but I was too far gone.

My body settled on the lake floor as I finally let in a breath. Water entered my lungs and burned. I coughed and gagged but that only made me inhale more water.

After a few minutes of suffering, I finally stopped. My breathing ceased and I was gone. Just like that.

Death wasn't so bad. It was cold and empty but in a comforting way. I reached out into the darkness and touched fur. Glancing up, I saw Winter.

"Hey girl. Ready to move on?" I asked sadly.

She whined and shook her head.

"I know but I don't think we can go back."

Winters voice sounded in my head. "We have to go back. We left Conner and Axle alone." She whimpered.

"I know girl but if we could go back, I would let us." I said.

Suddenly, two doors appeared.

A soft melodic voice spoke from everywhere and nowhere at once.

Gemma Frost, white wolf. Here are the doors of fate. You have two choices. You can either accept the fact you are a white wolf and face your fears or you can deny and live in eternal peace the rest of your life.

The black door is for your first choice and the second door, the white one, is for the latter. Choose wisely.

The voice faded.

"What? Wait come back! I need to know more. Please!" I shouted.

They couldn't leave me.

"This is your choice Gemma. I am not permitted to help you. Please chose wisely." Winter said before fading.

"Winter! No wait. Whoever is there I need more information. Please." I said.

Nothing. I was all alone now. So much for death being peaceful.

I curled into a ball on the ground and sobbed. This was all too much. I wanted Conner - no - I needed him here with me. Or me with him.

My gaze turned to the doors. That's it. I just have to pick one.

I stood up. My body was still shaky from the sobs but I could do this. I needed to. This dark lonely abyss will drive me crazy soon.

The white door. It was so bright and welcoming, promising me a safe passage straight to paradise. Where I could live without pain or suffering.

The second door demanded me to face my demons. The ones I had buried in my mind for a long time. I had gotten over most of them, but I don't think I could do that again.

It wasn't hard to chose. The white one. No pain. No suffering.

But only one led to Conner. Only one would get me to him.

I grabbed the handle of the white door.

Published this on my birthday. 11th December, 2020. I'm not going to tell you how old I am though.

A gift to you.... a cliffhanger.

I'm evil.

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