Chapter 14

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❗❗❗❗ Warning! Torture, self harm and suicide mentioned. ❗❗❗❗❗

I hate malls. Especially this one. It's called Spellcasters mall. And surprise, surprise, it's headed by witches. I mean there were humans in this mall but they were so oblivious.

Magic was literally being performed in front of them and they were all like 'Oooooh. Check the special effects. ' or 'Omg. I love how this mall can be like sooo realistic. ' Now that was said by some teenage girl who was chewing gum like her life depended on it.

"Jenny. Can we please leave?" Eve asked.

As promised, Jenny fed her. But only one pack of chips. That was two hours ago. I learnt a hungry Eve is an angry Eve.

"Yeah. This is the last store." Jenny said absentmindedly as she searched through clothes that were so pink I couldn't see.

"That's what she said ten stores ago." Caroline muttered.

I sighed. I wanted to scream and shake some sense into Jenny but I couldn't. I'm mute. Jesus. I looked over the pink clothes to the store across.

Goth Is Us. That was the name. All I saw inside was black, blue and purple. I stood up straight. That was my mind if store. I handed the bags in my hands to Caroline not taking my eyes away from the store.

I walked over, once I entered it smelt like roses and leather. I inhaled deeply. Damn. I walked over to the racks. Dresses, skirts, leather jackets, hoodies, all so dark and beautiful. I was gaping at the clothes. How had I not seen this store before?

"Welcome to my store.... blah, blah, blah... just pick shit and leave." I turned to see a girl. She had short midnight black hair with purple tips, a nose, lip, and there extra ear piercings.

She was so cool. My type of person. I looked back at the clothes. Time for a wardrobe change. I was picking off so many things from the racks. I didn't need to try them on. I just needed them.

I had over six piles. I was giving them all to the goth girl she had been packing then in bags for me. There were like twenty. I paid for the clothes with the money I came with.

I smiled at the girl as she gave me my change. Before I left she grabbed my hand. Her eyes went all white. I was really freaked out.

"Do you have any wishes?" She asked. I shook my head. "It's okay to wish for something. What do you wish for?"

I thought about it. Long and hard. I wanted to talk. It's been so hard communicating while writing and texting. Why can't I just open my mouth and speak without having a breakdown. It wasn't fair.

"Here. Have a mint." She said.

I looked at the mint in her hand. It was aqua blue. As if I'm a trance. I picked it and put it in my mouth. I started sucking on it. It actually wasn't that bad.

I picked up my bags and walked out of the store.

"Gemma! Where the fuck have you been?" I looked behind me to see Jenny, Car and Eve. They looked distressed. I frowned.

"Don't you frown at me young lady. Where were you? We've been looking for a whole ten minutes." Car said hands on her hips.

I pointed at the store I just exited. Only too look and see there was nothing. What? The girls all turned to where I pointed .

"Freaking witches." Jenny muttered. "What did you get?" She asked eyeing the twenty plus bags I was carrying .

I smiled and opened one bag. She gasped.

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