Chapter 9

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Gemma's POV
I loved having Jenny at my place and it has only been three days. I was scared she wouldn't be my friend when she found out about the self harm. But she said she wanted to help.

So here we are in my room sorted cross legged in front of each other. I had my phone in my hand in case I needed to text her.

"Okay so we are going to start simple. Removing the scars. But first we need to take pictures of you with your scars so when you heal you can reflect on all of it." She said. I shook my head and texted her.

Me: No fucking way. What if someone gets those pics. U crazy.

She read and sighed. "Its not like we are taking your face only the body parts. Trust me this will help." I sighed. This girl is lucky I love her.

I changed into a bikini by her instructions and we took pictures.

'I'm proud of you.' Winter said in my head. I smiled.

"Okay now heal your right arm. Every scar that can disappear." I looked at her in shock. That was a huge step. I thought we would do one scar at a time.

She gave me an expectant look.

"Well hurry it up. We don't have all night." She said. I took some deep breaths looking at my arm.

'You can do this.' Winter said in my head. I shook my arm out. I could do this. Right? Right.

So I did it I healed my arm. There were still some faint scars but those looked normal. I looked normal. I smiled huge and wide at Jenny who smiled back.

We had a Troll Hunters movie marathon on Netflix before going to bed. This was progress.


It has been five days since my first healing. We started with my arms and legs and yesterday we did my chest and stomach. Today was the final healing. My back. It has the worst scars. I wasn't sure I could do this.

"Come on girl. We got this far. We are not giving up." Jenny said.

I could do this right? Right. But why is it so hard.

"Wooooo. You go girl." Jenny said with too much enthusiasm.

I was biting my lip. She was filming this. Calling it 'the final transformation' like we were in Cinderella or some shit.

"Okay. How about when we are done I will take you out for ice cream." She said.

Darn it! She knows I can't refuse ice cream.I jumped from foot to foot preparing.

"Atta girl. Work it!" Jenny said. I rolled my eyes. This girl.

I rolled my neck.


Here we go.

I can do this.

I will do this.


I shouted in my head. I healed the scars without thinking of it.

"Yaasssss queen. Yas! Now it's time for ice cream. Five scoops for everyone." Jenny was doing a funny dance around the apartment laughing and wooping in joy.

Her joy was so infectious so I decided to join her. I changed into jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt to go and get some ice cream with my best friend. I know all my scars are healed but I still don't have the confidence to wear shorter clothes. Yet. I'll get there.

Jenny dragged me to the ice cream place I love and true to her word got me five scoops. As I sat there with Jenny looking at everyone talking and laughing, I decided I wanted to do that too. Talk and laugh. I will try.

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