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"Then what are you?" Theo pointed to Rebekah. "I'm just a Vampire. Nothing else." "How is that fair?" Draco asked. "I'm not a full Mikaelson."...

"What do you mean your not a full Mikaelson?" Blaise asked rather confused. "Pansy if you will?" I gestures to the girl and the big book on the table. Apparently everything about me and my family is that book. Along with my true parentage. Of course Esther put that in there rather than telling me. "Okay so, Valentina Rose Diana Mikaelson. First born daughter of Esther and Mikael. There is a secret that no one knows. She is-." Pansy stopped and looked at me.

"Valentina is the true daughter of Tatia Petrova's father. Which gave the girl her witch side. The Vampire side is from Esther but no one knows where the werewolf side comes from." Pansy once again stopped and just looked at me waiting for a response.

"Thank you Pansy I-." "WAIT there's more." She stopped and looked at the book. "Come on Parkinson continue." Theo said rather Impatiently. "Yes right. Sorry. When Valentina and her family where turned. Her and her brother Kol where filled with rage and killed...everyone in sight. They continued with killing sprees till the family split up at the end of 1400. You-you killed people?" Pansy stuttered while the boys all looked at me petrified. "Yes I have and I do. If someone gets in the way or crosses me they will not live to see another day. My brother Kol just brings out the worst in me." "Which is why he's your favourite, right sister?" interrupted Rebekah.

"Your quite right Bex now if you'll excuse me, I'm hungry." I winked and began to walk out off. "DON'T KILL ANYONE!" Blaise yelled from the floor. "NO PROMISES!" I yelled back and left to find food.

Rebekah's POV

"Don't worry she's gone towards her dorm she shouldn't kill anyone." I said hoping to settle their nerves. "You sure about that?" Theo asked. "I'm positive. There's food in  our dorm." "Wait there's food in there?" Theo looked like he'd just struck gold and quickly jumped up and ran towards our dorm. "Well he's about to be a dead man." I informed the three in-front off me. "Okay enough about her, i want to get to know Rebekah Mikaelson." Blaise said after being quiet for a bit. Draco had put his earphones in and stopped listening to us. "Well I'm from a powerful family from Norway, I have four brother's and a sister. I'm a Vampire and well I guess that my whole life i have been looking for love." I finished and gave a weak smile while looking down.

I love Nik but every time i fall in love he kills them, he'd never do that to Valentina but then she'd actually kill him. With me Nik can just dagger me and leave me in a box but not her. I've always been a bit jealous of Valentina don't get me wrong I love her but she's always got everything she wants while I get her scraps. I get pulled out off my thoughts by Valentina running down the stairs and yelling.

Valentina's POV

"REBEKAH!" I ran down the steps with Theo following slowly behind. "Yes?" she turned around to face me with confusion on her face. "YOU FUCKING ATE MY OREOS!" I screamed. "Whoa what's happening?" Draco finally spoke up and looked at me, angry I disturbed him. "I did not eat your Oreos." Rebekah said trying to calm me down. I looked at her in the eye and asked her again. "Yes i ate them." Bex said against her will. "I FUCKING KNEW IT!" I vamp speeded to her quickly checked there was just us six in the common room and snapped her neck.

"You-you just killed your own sister." Pansy stuttered and started to cry my god it's just a neck snap. "Valentina what the fuck?!" Draco said with a shocked expression. "Oh calm down she'll wake up in about two hours." I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch. "So she isn't dead?" Theo asked from behind. "No she isn't." and with that I ignored them and got my phone out.


Hey guys, party in the Slytherin common room tomorrow night.

Bestie Boo Ginny😍:
Yassss finally I've been waiting for a party

Theo Nott:
So you just snapped your sister's Neck because she ate your oreos and your first response is 'let's throw a party?'

i mean i'm down but still

Yes, yes it was.


Bestie Boo Ginny😍:
Hold up

Back up

You snapped your sister's neck?


Yes she is
Yes i did
She's fine.

Draco Malfoy🐍🥵❤️:
Their Vampire's, well Val's a Vampire, werewolf, witch Hybrid thing.

That i am.



I quickly turned my phone off and looked at the four in-front off me. Draco put his earphone's back in, Theo was sat doing, i honestly don't know what Theo is currently doing but oh well and Blaise and Pansy are arguing about something Blaise said. I yawned and stood up. "Where you going Val?" Draco asked. "I am going to bed. Goodnight Darlings." I blew a kiss and threw Rebekah and walked to my door. I put Rebekah on her bed and went and changed into my black silk pyjama top and short set and jumped into bed. i drifted off thinking off tomorrow...

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