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Then she passed out in Draco's arms...

Five years had passed since the war. Ginny Weasley was now married to Harry Potter and expecting there first child. George Weasley was now married to Angelina Johnson with a son named Fred junior, who was almost exactly like his father and uncle. Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini where married and expecting there second child, there first being born the year before, a lovely little girl named after there best friend. Theo Nott was still a player and was not planning on settling down anytime soon. Neville Longbottom had married Luna love good and were also expecting there first child. Draco Malfoy you ask? Well he never found someone else. He moved to mystic falls after becoming Rosie's legal guardian, he lived in the Mikaelson mansion with Rosie, Rebekah, Athena and Jasper.

He kept his promise and would always look after them all. Elena and Damon would check on them almost everyday after the war Rebekah told Elena everything she wanted to know and Elena vowed she would know Athena and Jasper and that's exactly what she did even though she was still causing havoc on the small town off mystic falls. Draco as much as he would never complain about it he missed being in a relationship and having someone else to care for even tho he still had Rosie who was now 16 years old. She had grown up to be a beautiful young woman as much as Draco hated it she too had decided to turn into a vampire on her 21st birthday.

Rebekah had offered to turn him but he was going to keep her promise and he was going to grow old even if it meant growing old without her. The first year was hard for him he'd lost his love and now had an eleven year old child to look after but Athena and Jasper helped as much as they could as well as helping him get back to himself. Five years he's spent without her and if it wasn't for Rebekah and the children everyday would off been hell and as much as he hated to admit it him and Rebekah had gotten really close. He would never let it get anymore than no matter how much he wanted it.

Rosie was still going to Hogwarts she had practically begged for it. She wanted to be close to her no matter how many times we told her that she could go to the Salvatore school set up by Caroline she wasn't having it. No one understood why till they went to Hogwarts for a parents evening. Professor Mcgonagle had put up her portrait on the hall going down to the slytherin common room and Rosie would go and speak to her.

Five years later

Today was Rosies or Rose as she likes to be called now, 21st birthday. Today was the day she was going to turn into a heretic- vampire/witch. She could not wait. She jumped out off bed and ran downstairs into the living room where she saw piles off presents and her dad stood waiting for her. "Happy birthday baby" he said giving the girl a tight hug knowing what was going to happen today. "Thank you daddy, I love you so much!" Rosie said hugging her dad tighter.

Draco thought back to the first time Rosie had called him dad. It was in her second year at Hogwarts she'd come home for Christmas break upset and Draco was determined to find out was going on. The other children had been making fun off her for not having any 'real' parents and kept telling her how pathetic she was for talking to a painting. The girl had cried in his arms for hours and it broke his heart. He'd finally got her to calm down and go to sleep and just as he was walking out the door she'd whispered 'goodnight daddy'.

He was brought out off his thought by Rosie ripping open all off the wrapping paper and getting more excited with each present. Eventually she'd asked her brother and sister when they could turn her. "We can do it now. Are you sure your ready?" Athena asked the young girl. "Yes!" She squealed sick off being asked that question. "Rosie I love you so much darling and I'm so proud of you." Rosie hugged her dad and drank her sisters blood...


"Our kids are really great huh?" Edward asked his wife. "They really are." Valentina smiled at the people stood in-front off her. Her family. Even if they didn't know she was there she would always watch over them and send Draco little sighs that something was wrong or just that he was doing a good job. Edward and Valentina reunited shortly after her death and have stayed together watching over their family and making sure that klaus hadn't done anything stupid. That was until he got a werewolf pregnant and then things just went downhill for him there.

Valentina would watch Rosie everyday waiting for the day she could see her again but now she was going to turn into a heretic she knew that day might never come and that shattered her heart. Athena and Jasper where doing great they lived a hundred years without her she knew they would be okay and she was thankful she got to apologise and see them again before she died.

Once Rosie turned Valentina knew she would be okay. She knew Draco had Rebekah. She knew Athena and Jasper where fine. They didn't need her to look after them anymore. She and Edward could find peace. Before she left Valentina took one last look at her family and smiled. She remembers what everyone said the day she died. She remembers the song Athena sung for her. She remembers her brothers braking and the guilt she felt for leaving them. But that was all gone now. Everyone was happy and so was she.

So Valentina Rose Diana Mikaelson took Edwards hand smiled one last time at her family and walked into the light knowing her memory would never be forgotten by the people she loved...


Draco smiled at his family in-front off him laughing. He knew Valentina was there watching them. He always knew and he smiled a sad smile when he no longer felt her presence. She had finally found peace. He'd left to go to the toilet when he realised his bedroom door was open and walked in to see a letter on his bed.

Dear Draco,
I am so proud of what you have done. You kept my family going. You've kept them happy and I cannot thank you enough. I know your probably wondering how I've wrote this but I had some help from Bonnie. I want you to know that I love you. I love you so very much. I will be waiting for you. You have done such a good job with everything. I am so lucky to have known and to have loved you. Always remember how much I love you and be happy my love. Even if it is with my sister :) 

Just be happy x

Lots of love from
Valentina Rose Diana Mikaelson

"I love you as well my darling"...


This is the end off Lovely. I hope you all enjoyed it❤️Please comment if you would like sequel about Athena and Jasper's life before everything happened. <3

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