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Draco's POV


Pansy Parkinson:

Well out with it Parkinson

Pansy Parkinson:
Jeez okay
You see from what I've found everything points to her being a ...
Weird best friend:
Parkinson just say it already.
Fred Weasley:
What the hell is taking her so long.
Pansy Parkinson:
Shes a VAMPIRE!!

Hahahahahaha yeaaaaa and I'm werewolf.
Good joke Parkinson.

Pansy Parkinson:
No I'm tell the truth.
Right listen to this.
Every night at 8 she goes out and goes into the forbidden forest for an hour and then comes back covered in blood.
George Weasley:
But that could mean anything not a vampire.
Neville Longbottom:
Although I've gotta admit that is kind of weird.
Valentina Riddle😍:
Hey guys what you talking about?

Oh erm nothing much just what we're doing this weekend but I need to talk to you.

Pansy Parkinson:
Got something you need to share Riddle?
Valentina Riddle😍:
Not the Ik pug face.
Yea okay Draco just text and want to meet?

I thought you were at home? But if you wanna meet then astronomy tower 10 minutes.

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