Chapter 68

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Happy New Year!

Chapter 68

The Black Family's study wasn't much different in this time than when she had seen it as Harriet twenty some years in the future. It was a dark circular room, only lit by the two small lamp lights on the walls behind Orion, who had situated himself behind a large mahogany desk. The wallpaper was a dark purple, the walls were lined with bookshelves that climbed five meters to the ceiling. There was a lone window behind a the desk that was covered in various stacks of paperwork.

Cassiopeia was perched on the side of the desk, a glass of wine in her right hand. She was the picture of high-class ease. "Ms. Peverell, we have some things we need to discuss with you. Please, take a seat."

It wasn't a request and Jasmine moved towards the small leather armchair in front of the desk and sat herself down without fuss. "Is there something wrong?"

She hoped that bringing Petunia hadn't offended anyone. Jasmine had enjoyed pushing the boundaries of perceived propriety for this party. She didn't think that it would have been considered an insult, but she hadn't dealt with the purebloods of this time period before...she could have overstepped.

Orion took a seat across from her in a large padded leather chair. "There is nothing wrong. We just feel that it is in the Black Family's best interest to push Sirius towards marrying a proper witch. We've attempted to speak to him on multiple occasion regarding who we feel is best suited for him. He, being the stubborn fool he is, refuses to listen to rational guidance. So, we decided to push forward without him."

Jasmine leaned back in her seat as Cassiopeia took long drag of her wine. Orion motioned for her to take over. "As my brother was saying, Sirius needs to pick a fiancé within the next few years to continue our family line for the next generation. We know that you've managed to secure a meeting with a future head of a prominent Japanese family, but we wanted to get your personal opinion on our top choice candidate."

The teen bit her lip. She had a feeling that she knew where this was going to end up going. As sneaky as Sirius has been about the entire thing on who his family's top pick was, she had a sinking suspicion she knew who they were going to say that it is.

Jasmine doubted there was any way to keep this secret. "I feel that Sirius wouldn't appreciate you going behind his back for this. Marriage has always seemed like a touchy topic for him. I have a feeling that I know exactly who he eliminated from his list that you so desperately want on it."

Orion raised an eyebrow, pulling out a sheet of paper from one of the many stacks in front of him. "Do you now? You haven't made any effort to persuade him to add the name back on the list. Our families could profit greatly from this. Do you want that opportunity to slip through your fingers because my son is being impulsive and stupid?"

That was one thing to call it.

He slid the paper across the desk towards her. Jasmine let out a small sigh and picked it up, scanning over its contents. It was a rather iron tight marriage contract. Many witches would kill for the opportunity. She placed the piece of paper down and pushed it back towards Orion. "Until Sirius grows up enough to actively seek out a relationship with me past the friendship we have, I won't pursue him in any romantic form. I won't go behind his back and force something on him."

"And here I thought you had more sense than some airheaded noble Gryffindor," Cassiopeia sneered, placing her glass down and pushing herself off the desk to move next to her brother. "This would secure your future, your family name would be protected by the House of Black."

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