Chapter 101

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Chapter 101

Jasmine made her way towards her study with a yawn. She ran a hand through her hair to try and get it into some semblance of order before leaving. The twins' giggles could be heard from below. At least they were still enjoying themselves. Poor Charlie was going to be upset that she had left, but at least she would be bringing his brother back with her.

Her study was the same as she'd left it the night before, save for the lack of fire in her fireplace, but safety mattered and they certainly didn't need that going at all hours of the day. The floo powder was sitting on the mantle of the fireplace. With a quick incendio the fire was roaring in once quiet room. She took a pinch and threw it in the fire. The plan was to floo to McGonagall's office and just pick Bill up, but instead of the usual green her fireplace it turned a bright red and rejected the connection. She frowned and attempted it one more time before pulling on her dragonhide jacket, four knives and her second wand.

"Well...I guess I'm apparating this morning." Jasmine grumbled to herself.

Luckily, she had full access to the Hogwarts' wards and could enter the grounds whenever she wanted. Jasmine took a deep breath to center herself. Getting to Hogwarts with stealth and finesse was key.

With an image of her animagus form in mind, Jasmine arrived at the Hogwarts' gates a few moments later in a silent flash of light. No one was around and the grounds were silent, save for the whomping willow, which was swinging and creaking every which way. It had grown since the last time she'd seen it.

A cold gust of wind blew her hair in front of her face.

With a sigh, she pushed it away from her mouth and marched her way up the hill and toward the castle. The wards welcomed her with open arms. It felt like a warm blanket at settled around her shoulders.

At least Albus hadn't tried to play with them in the few days she was away. He would ruin any work she had put in otherwise. She'd charge him triple the price to have to fix them a second time.

Jasmine checked her watch, which had been an anniversary gift from Sirius. It was quarter to nine, so she was later than she'd want to be. The gift of a watch was a Black Family tradition, it had something to do with the timelessness of love, which was startlingly romantic from the family that was solely interested in good breeding. The base was silver and the ends of the hands were Moony, Prongs and Padfoot and the face was a forest scene. There were some semi-precious jewels inlaid into the outer rim. His father had insisted on it, claimed it showed Sirius could provide for the family.

It was nearly nine on a Sunday, so the Great Hall would still be serving breakfast. She took a quick peak in and noticed that both McGonagall and Dumbledore were missing and made a beeline for his office. Maybe they got sidetracked and lost track of time arguing over something.

It wouldn't be the first time that happened on a Sunday.

The gargoyle didn't even ask for password as Jasmine approached, but since she was polite, she knocked loudly on the door to Dumbledore's main office. Though, no sound could be heard coming from the room, but she could see shadows moving under the door, so she knew there had to be at least two people in there.

The door opened with a tired creak and revealed Dumbledore, McGonagall and red eyed Bill Weasley. He had a trunk packed near the armchair he was sitting in and an untouched teacup on the desk in the center of the office.

When his eyes met hers, his lower lip wobbled. Jasmine met him halfway as he threw himself at her and sobbed. "I got you. Your brothers are home with me and Sirius. You're safe. I'm so sorry, Bill," she whispered into his hair, which only seemed to make him sag against her further and cry harder.

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