Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

The room took nearly twenty minutes to simmer down. Dumbledore had nearly shouted himself hoarse over the whole thing. Accusations were being thrown around the room on who was a supporter of the idea of muggleborns stealing magic and who wasn't. It drew a definite line in the sand for who was more than likely a death eater and who wasn't, which made things a little bit easier for Jasmine, though it seemed like it would put the headmaster in an early grave.

Jasmine heard the word blood traitor being used more than once. Even a few of the light families were accusing each other of betraying their heritage...or even more concerning, their marriage contracts with substantial dowries.

Though, with the Black Family's obvious support, the dark leaning side of the room was in absolute chaos as the hierarchy was thrown completely off balance. It was obvious that the Black Family was in charge with the way Cassiopeia glared at those that dared speak out against her and the in the same vein Orion just had to say a person's name with a slightly scolding tone and they would neatly fall into line.

There was a handful of families that had pushed themselves away as their own little contingent, the Carrows, Goyles, Crabbes, Flints and Rosier families were the most prominent of the members. Rosier in particular seemed to be particularly vocal. There was no doubt more purebloods against this book being published, but these five were the most vocal about the entire thing than anyone else in the room. All of them had been staunch supporters of Voldemort in Harriet's time, if they were still alive or out of Azkaban.

"Regardless of the questionable international research of the late Lord Peverell, I think we will need to further discuss if this book should even be published," Rosier sneered, lips curling in disgust at the mere mention of the book.

Jasmine rolled her eyes before responding. "This meeting was a curtesy to the court. The book is going to be out in stores within the next few weeks. You all got the first look and explanation. It is going to be at local stores whether you want it to or not." She replied, with her arms crossed. Rosier seemed to take that as some kind of personal challenge. Lily gave her a small smile at her response, but didn't say anything. The poor girl seemed terrified.

"Heir Peverell, your little book could very well be blacklisted by sellers if enough purebloods refuse to back its outlandish claims-"

"Rosier, you do not speak for all of us," Orion interjected, his voice carried throughout the room. Everyone went eerily silent.

"I would have thought that the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black wouldn't fall for such ridiculous claims," Rosier responded, his tone was condescending and Jasmine saw a vein in Orion's temple twitch. She wondered if Rosier new what he was doing by provoking one of the most powerful wizarding families in the country.

Orion took a deep breath, his hands were curling and uncurling on the table in front of him. "Lord Rosier, you speak out of turn. The Most Noble and Ancient House of Black is allied with House Peverell. We looked into what she has presented today. We have extensively double checked her research and find no fault with it. Denying it could very well cause a steep decline in powerful pureblood witches and wizards over the next two decades if we continue down our current path."

Rosier's nostrils flared. "I highly doubt anything will come of this book but further division amongst our people."

Jasmine resisted the urge to scoff. "How would this divide the population further? There is a dark lord out there trying to blame muggleborns with the lack of powerful witches and wizards in Britain. I just presented you with the real reason behind it. Do have your head so far up-"

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