Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Two weeks had passed and so had their first quidditch game against Slytherin. Suffice to say, they won with ease. The Slytherin seeker had been utter rubbish, no doubt hoping that all the hype that the Marauders had pushed about Jasmine was false. They had been sadly mistaken. Jasmine had out flown the over grown buffoon with ease and with the rune under her eye, she was able to dodge the oncoming bludgers without a problem. It almost seemed like she had eyes on the back of her head...or so the commentators had mentioned, more than once.

Not like they could prove anything. Most people just thought that the mark under her eye was an oddly shaped birthmark.

Gryffindor was still bragging about the win.

Over a week later.

Jasmine and Lily tended to complain about it behind closed doors or Jasmine did quietly to herself between planning sessions. She had so much to before the world attempted to end itself again. She still had to destroy the diadem in the Room of Requirement and potentially slay a basilisk in the basement. Jasmine was hoping that she could talk the creature out of its insanity, but there was a lot of risk going down there alone and reasoning with a giant mass murdering snake.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the Common Room's sudden spike in volume thanks to two of the seventh-year chasers going over the game again as they walked through the portrait hole.

"You'd think they'd come up with something better to talk about by now," Jasmine grumbled, her hair in disarray after another seventh year had ruffled her hair in "thanks" for giving them the upper hand for the Quidditch Cup as he passed her. It had become a game amongst the gustier boys in the dorm to attempt to touch her. Even if it was just ruffling her hair a bit.


Jasmine stood up, collecting her school books, and extra notes on some of the families she needed to send letters to and formal alliances that she needed to get updates on and neatly packed them into her shoulder bag.

She had just about made it to freedom before her name was called.

Jasmine bit back a groan.

"Jazz! Jaa-zzz!" Sirius' obnoxious voice whined from near the fire. That was Sirius' needy voice and Jasmine really didn't want to have to deal with clingy Sirius Black. He could be really annoying when he acted like this.

Jasmine stopped and turned, seeing her friend sitting up-side-down on one of the armchairs, his shaggy hair brushing the floor. James and Remus were nowhere in sight. Jasmine knew that Remus was at a prefect meeting and James was more than likely in serving some kind of detention. The Professors rarely gave Sirius and James detentions on the same day, just to avoid them doing something stupid together.

His eyes seemed a little glazed and she wondered how long he had been in that position. If he passed out, she didn't want to be the person that she was going to have to drag him to Madam Pomfrey. Sirius grinned when he noticed she was staring at him and beckoned her over with a flirtatious bending of his pointer finger.

She let out a long-suffering sigh, catching the attention of most of the common room by now. There were already rumors floating around the castle that they were dating. They did nothing to contradict it. It was a fun game to play and she really hadn't had a lot of time in any life to play around. Jasmine could admit that to outsiders it looked like they were dating, courting or whatever it is purebloods did with one another.

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