Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

A horcrux's death was always loud and filled with the screeching anguish of the soul trapped inside. For whatever reason, the diadem and diary were always the loudest. Jasmine supposed it had to be due to the fact that there was at least half a soul in the diary...and more than likely Tom was especially pissed off after Dumbledore denied him the Defense Against the Dark Arts position, which he poured all that hate into diadem. It was surprising how loud a thirty-second of a soul could scream in agony.

By the time Tom had gotten to Harriet in the eighties he only had a thirty-second of a soul left before he ripped it in half again accidentally that fateful Halloween night. The fact he didn't even notice he had split his soul at all was a testament to just how inhuman and fractured he had become. Not to mention he did it again after he resurrected to make Nagini a horcrux, by that point Tom only had a one hundred and twenty eighth of his soul left.

But, here Tom was, writhing on the ground at her feet. Death loomed over her shoulder waiting for the moment the visage of the self-proclaimed Dark Lord noticed the presence of the one thing he truly feared. With so much ambient magic in the air the Deity had become visible to her without their presence being dangerous.

Death moved forward as the venom ate straight through the metal and into the gem in the center. Tom started to disappear. The once fairly opaque visage of Tom was slowly fading from the physical plane of existence.

The infamous scythe, that Death liked to pretend doesn't exists, materialized in one skeletal hand. "You owe me something, boy." The Deity murmured, their hood pulled down over their face. "You are one of many abominations, but at least you are a part of the whole. I can't wait till I taste the first two large sections of your soul. They are always the sweetest."

Tom made an unintelligible noise as the scythe came down in a long arc and beheaded the soul fragment. It turned into a pathetic white wisp that Death grabbed onto and vanished into the night. She could almost feel the Deity's excitement over having a piece of Tom Riddle's mutilated soul in their clutches.

One down four to go. Hopefully, Jasmine would be able to make headway on the location of the other ones soon enough. The ring she could find. The cup, diary and locket were going to be hell to track down. She had a feeling that at least one of them were in vaults in Gringotts. They were more than likely hidden inside his followers' vaults. It would be the safest place for them. But, that would take time to procure with a lot of favors she didn't have with the goblins at the moment.

Theo and Blaise were planning on helping her somehow. Though, Jasmine knew that Blaise would probably be busy with American nonsense for the foreseeable future. Theo had been pushing for some kind of travel year through Europe to his elders. She hadn't heard if it had been approved yet.

If he got the okay for the trip he would be horcrux hunting while she was interning for the Runemasters. Theo would be studying during the summer as well, not just trying to find horcruxes, but it was the thought that counted. Despite their knowledge of future events, which was slowly becoming harder to predict with the ever-changing timeline, they still needed to make sure they secured themselves jobs and connections in various political fields. Defeating Tom was only the first step to stopping a much larger problem.

For now, Jasmine was happy with the Death of the first horcrux. It was the first of many to come.


The remainder of the school year rushed on, like it always tended to at the end of the year. Exams and revisions took up nearly all of Jasmine's time and energy, as well making sure the James was alright after his birthday. The Potter Heir had been tired and dazed for nearly a week afterwards. Harriet had gone through her seventeenth birthday alone multiple times, it wasn't something enjoyable, but she had never been as tired as James seemed to be. The Potter family didn't serve a deity per say, but Lady Magic demanded a lot of the family. She tended to ask for selfless sacrifice and absurd acts of creative genius. The Potter Family had been expelled from the Sacred Twenty-Eight for decades because they wanted to protect muggles in the first world war. It took Monty gaining a fortune and well-planned political maneuvering to get their seat and title back. Jasmine had a feeling that Lady Magic asked Monty to figure a way back into the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

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