Chapter 108

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Chapter 108

Jasmine could feel the strain on her magic as she flashed herself up multiple levels of the ministry to get to the atrium. Tom was a dramatic son of a bitch, if he was going to take over the ministry with the most witnesses possible, he would be in one of the largest and busiest rooms.

Not to mention that explosions were getting louder the closer the got to the main atrium.

She let out a sad trill as she flew through the remaining hallways as she tried to conserve her magic. There were bodies littered across the floors, some covered in hexes and curses, others were just motionless corpses, killed with avada kedavra. There were some who were half crushed under debris and some were bleeding out against the walls. There were a lot of dead civilians in these hallways. Luckily, there weren't a lot of children within the ministry during the school year. Even still, it was going to take years to recuperate the lives lost here.

Tom was always making Jasmine's mission more difficult.

So far, she hadn't recognized any of the bodies, though, knowing her family and friends, they were at the heart of the action. Most of the Black Family had been at the Ministry today for various reasons and they would have been some of the first responders to the fight. Bella must have been giddy at the thought of murdering the man that tried to kill Narcissa. The two Black sisters had been plotting Tom's death for two weeks. Honestly, her friend had been planning the deaths of multiple Death Eaters for weeks. Bella wasn't being picky.

Jasmine isn't sure how close she was going to get to dueling Tom. She had no idea what the fight looked like upstairs. Explosions alone couldn't give her any indication on who was winning or losing.

As the doors to the atrium came into view she noticed it was hanging off its hinges. The floor was coated in at least half a meters worth of water. Civilians were sloshing through it as they ran away from the battle. The flood seemed to be from the hideous center fountain. The usually pained faces underneath the wizard's feet were blasted off and water was shooting out at all ends.

Spells were being fired every which way as Jasmine flew over and around some stray blasts. Screams of pain and various spells were echoing throughout the large room. The room was the size of a quidditch stadium. It was supposed to be a marvel of magic to have something this large right under the muggles' noses. But, Tom seemed to be using that to his advantage.

Clusters of witches and wizards were dueling to the death. There were trolls and giants battling what appeared to stone golems at the far end of the room, which would explain the rumbling Jasmine had heard near the Department of Mysteries. If Jasmine could smile she would have. Stone golems could only mean one thing. Blaise and Theo had to be somewhere in this mess then. The golems seemed to be of Blaise's creation.

As she soared over the battle field Jasmine caught the glint of steel and a familiar face being surrounded. Mikhail and Regulus were fighting back to back as five Death Eaters slowly encircled them.

Jasmine rolled through the air as a stray spell zipped past her head and dove towards the cluster. She transformed with just enough time dig her knees into one of Death Eaters shoulders and lethally stab him in the back. With the one man down, Mikhail used that opening to bring his own sword down against a second Death Eater. Regulus took down an additional two in seconds. Jasmine brought her wand up and quickly cast a severing curse the last enemy, lopping his head from his shoulders.

"Took you long enough. Where the hell were you? Your American called us all here!" Mikhail shouted as he wiped the blood off his blade using the robes of the recently dispatched Death Eaters before pulling Regulus and Jasmine behind a pillar for cover as a couple more spells bounced off of the marble. It had decent sight lines so they would see an attack coming while they caught their breath.

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