Chapter 72

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Happy Friday!

Chapter 72

The room was a literal bloody mess when Sirius tumbled through the backroom door. It took him a moment to take in the gore the front room had become and then proceeded to dry heave on the tile at the sight before him. As much as Jasmine wanted to go over and comfort him, she didn't think he'd appreciate it. There were some things a man had to do in private. Not to mention that she had quite a bit of blood on her and didn't fancy being vomited on. She already smelled fairly horrendous, she didn't need anything else splashed on her.

She pinched the drying blood on the sleeve on her robe. The stains were never going to come out. Jasmine saw Mikhail grimacing at the state of his clothing as well and gave him a weary sigh. He responded with a lopsided grin.

At least no one had gotten hurt that hadn't deserved it during their little brawl.

Five Death Eater bodies were littered on the floor and only two were alive enough for Auror questioning, if the local law enforcement ever show up. She could hear fighting a little further north of their shop. Jasmine supposed that there could have been more Death Eaters spread throughout the area to draw focus away from the intended kidnapping that hadn't occurred.

Jasmine was sorely tempted to cast some charms to abate some of the stink the room had taken on, but then she could get in trouble if they attempted to figure out whose magical signatures were all over the crime scene. Of all the times to need to be careful about wandless magic would be the time that Jasmine would need to use some kind of freshening charm. Jasmine and Mikhail were splattered here and there with blood. Mostly on their arms, but Jasmine had a bit in her hair from when she headbutted the man that had grabbed her and put her in a headlock. Mikhail had blood splatter on his arms and a streak on his face that was slowly drying. Jasmine had a feeling that was from the man he had used as a human shield for most of the tussle.

Jasmine would be sore in the morning, maybe have a few bruises, but it wouldn't be anything major.

Mikhail turned towards Jasmine a bit out of breath. The two of them were breathing hard, and solely out of practice. They used to be able to do this for hours.

Their weapons were covered in blood and still dripping wet, occasionally adding another drop to the already drenched floor below them. Jasmine was wiping her blade off on one of the Death Eater's robes. Might as well get ahead on cleaning it. There was no use in letting the metal get damaged.

"How is Regulus doing, Sirius?" She asked as he finished retching onto the pink tinted tiles. The poor guy just wasn't cut out for this kind of violence. Then again, most teenagers aren't supposed to be comfortable with stabbing someone and murder.

"He's awake, but he needs medical attention." He croaked out, his grey eyes wide at the sight of two of them. He scrambled to his feet as best he could with a hurt leg and backed tracked towards the room Regulus was half conscious in.

Jasmine felt a cold hand settle on her shoulder as Death made its presence known to her. She could almost see Death's fingers curl around the joint. The deity went to the nearest dead body and plunged his arm straight into their chest. He pulled out their souls, white wispy things. Jasmine could hear them screaming as Death blew on the top of the soul and stored it in his robes. Death was never gentle with Death Eater souls, there was a bit of righteous indignation the deity had for them. As Harriet she had always figured that he enjoyed tormenting those that joined with Tom, connected themselves with an abomination. Death did love capturing and destroying monsters.

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