Chapter 33

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Happy Friday!

Chapter 33

The afterparty took place where the duels had happened. The platform had been removed from the area and a table full of food replaced it, an ornate chandelier hung from the ceiling, bathing the room in a quiet light, unlike the blinding stage lights from the tournament. Quiet music was being played by a small orchestra and just about everyone was wearing some kind of dress robe. Though, the Americans were all in muggle clothing. It was apparently unfashionable for them to be dressing in something so medieval. They were all about blending in across the pond. Jasmine had to agree with them to some extent.

The majority students from the tournament were present and mingling with each other. This was supposed to be the time when all the schools got together to reminisce about nearly maiming each other. Jasmine never understood the appeal. When the Chesters had her, she would be doing the same thing as right now and sit at her table, eat a bit of food and ignore everyone. She was far too tired to deal with everyone congratulating her on very victory. Half of her team decided not to come (Severus and Lily) and the other part was running late (James and Sirius). So, this left Jasmine alone and at the mercy of all the other competitors.

She hadn't seen Theo since her match. She was hoping that they would get to talk before the evening was over. Jasmine knew that he would be able to find her again, Theo always managed, but it was so much easier when there was a direct route of conversation started.

Jasmine was picking at her food when a shadow covering her plate caught her attention. "Jasmine, how are you?" a familiar voice asked from behind her.

She turned in her chair to see Mikhail there, a wide grin on his face, the same smile she had grown used it during their time in the dueling arena with each other. His thick blonde hair and bright blue eyes were a common feature to be seen across the dueling platform from her. His cheeks were a bit rounder than she remembered, but then again, his patrons hadn't fed him well, so he was no doubt finally getting some of the nutrition that he'd been deprived of for the past few years.

"I'm fine. I'm glad to see that you are safe. I was worried that you had been killed when the house collapsed." She replied, picking at her dinner again. Jasmine felt a bit guilty that she hadn't tried to contact him, but then again, she had been the anonymous survivor.

"I knew that it was you that told the police about where to find us. The house of Medvedeva owes you a huge debt."

Jasmine suddenly felt all the air in her lungs rush out in one breath. He was that Mikhail? She had always known that his father was a businessman, but she had no idea that Mikhail was the heir to a muggle/magical technology firm. She and Theo had tried to sway Mikhail's father to their cause in multiple lives, but he'd always told her that he couldn't because of his son.

His son who had been changed into a werewolf by Greyback...Mikhail was supposed to be Greyback's most notorious lieutenant trained from a young age with a bunch of other children, but the timeline didn't fit. He was supposed to be training with Greyback now, who was still looking for a pack despite the fact he should have already had one.

Jasmine felt lightheaded as she finally realized something. Well two somethings, one, that she wasn't breathing and two, she had changed the future. With just one small tip to the police, she had removed a rather large part of Voldemort's army and one of his largest scare tactics.

Bloody hell, the attack on the dueling ring...when Voldemort ordered the children to be kept alive, he wasn't talking about the ones upstairs. He made it look like there were no survivors so that the Aurors would leave. He'd be talking about the kids in the basement. No wonder Greyback's pack was so powerful, it was full of children that had been trained to duel from a young age without wands and to use lethal force without remorse.

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