Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Jasmine was escorted back to the Hogwarts' rooms with more force than she thought was necessary. Flitwick's hand was gripping her shoulder tight enough to leave a bruise... It had to look a bit odd, he was about a head shorter than her.

Apparently, tada wasn't the correct response to her display of dueling prowess. It wasn't as if she could just go all out with the students at Hogwarts. They would have gotten injured and she didn't need all of her talents shown to future supporters of dear Tom.

Her charms professor was glaring at her. What was she supposed to say? It wasn't like she could tell him that everyone here just wasn't a challenge for her. Well...she could, but that wouldn't end well. She loved her dueling team, but none of them stood a chance against her, not with nine other lives worth of knowledge packed into her head.

"Well, I can understand why you seemed so dreadfully bored during the majority of our practices back at Hogwarts," Flitwick grumbled after they'd situated themselves back in the fifth-year common space. The boys were with them, Severus sitting next to Lily on the floor, their legs just brushing each other's. James needed to be watched further for any lingering injuries, so naturally Sirius was on top of him, and Flitwick wanted to have a small talk with his youngest students. They had gotten the best results out of all the Hogwarts teams.

He would be going to the upper years next.

Jasmine suspected he was going to ream them out.

"It wasn't that I was bored...just underwhelmed."

"If the dueling talent you're used to was all on the same level as the young man you faced, then I can see why."

Jasmine gave a short nod. "Yes, well, Mikhail and I were friendly rivals within our circuit," she replied, playing with the end of a wayward strand of hair.

"Wait, he was one of the kids from the dueling ring?" James asked, eyebrow raised, eyes slightly unfocused. He seemed more alert now than he had a few minutes ago. He had been given some rather strong pain potions for his mending broken bones.

Flitwick snapped his fingers, drawing their attention back to him. "Now isn't the time to be gossiping. I just wanted to congratulate you all on doing your best today. Some did far better than others, but you were the best group of Hogwarts students today. Three of you made it to the finals. The competition is going to be fierce tomorrow. The coaches have seen what each school has brought. Our main challengers are going to be from that little school in South Dakota and Durmstrang, they each have four of their five students still in the finals. Though, each of them lost a valuable duelist in the later rounds, and quite a few of their winners are injured in some way, they'll be sore in the morning, magic can't fix everything overnight. I want you to rest up this evening, tomorrow is going to be even more difficult," he ordered before stepping out of the room and into the hall.

"You were a one witch army out there, Jazz!" Sirius exclaimed the second the door closed behind their charms professor. He slung an arm around James' neck. "Prongs and I charmed the wall transparent to see you in action. Merlin, you didn't disappoint."

Jasmine could feel her face heating up a bit. They had watched that?

"Thank you. You all did fairly well for your first-time dueling in a tournament," she responded. She noticed James looked away and glared off at the far wall.

"Yes, well, not all of us, have a background in this kind of thing. How did you manage it?" Lily groaned rubbing at her neck, which seemed at bit stiff.

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