Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

It wasn't the first time that Jasmine had been interrogated by Tom Riddle, far from it, but it was the first time that it was being done legally...and she wasn't being tortured nearly out of her mind. She somewhat missed that, it was what made their time together so special. She also had complete free reign to attack him. She didn't have that luxury here. Sadly, Jasmine had to play the polite school girl.

It was a part she was quickly getting tired of in this life.

Though, this version of Voldemort was completely different to the one that she was used to dealing with. This Tom Riddle was poised, powerful and not nearly as insane as the one that she had encountered in the future countless times over her last nine lives. He had a bit more of a human soul in him, not much, that her magic could sense, but it was there, and he was clinging to his humanity by his fingertips. The last two splits of his soul must have really done him in something awful, seeing as this Tom Riddle was still charismatic, but nothing, save using the imperious on the entire court, would keep Avery from a lifetime in prison. It didn't quite matter what Tom said or did, all the evidence pointed to Avery's guilt.

So, the real question was, why was Tom here? What was his motivation for this impromptu meeting? From what Jasmine knew as Harriet, Tom had never aspired to become a lawyer. The man only wanted subjects to lord over. It would have taken months to put this little plan into motion. All for what? To see her? Jasmine knew that he had wanted to meet her, he'd been trying to get her to join him all year, but that couldn't be the only reason for his presence here.

He wasn't desperate enough for that, or dumb enough.

A wave of familiar magic washed over her, making her fingers tingle with nearly unrestrained power. Jasmine could feel Death's power pulsating at the monstrosity before her. The Deity wanted him dead, wanted his shredded soul. She could feel the taint in Tom's fractured soul, the dark magic almost had a stench to it. Death wanted what was his... Yet, right now, she could do nothing for the Deity she was master of, the Horcruxes were scattered and Jasmine didn't have the power to find them on her own.

Not yet.

She only knew where three of the five horcruxes currently were...Blaise and Theo were working on fixing that, but as of now, she had to wait. She'd show her hand when the time was right, for now, she had to play the indignant heir.

It didn't take long to have Dumbledore call her up to the stand. The headmaster looked clammy and Jasmine could understand the sentiment. The Minister was overseeing the hearing, apparently, the Avery family had dragged this on long enough to have him called into the session. He seemed like a severe man, with salt and pepper hair and a constant scowl. Though, it was directed at her, which was a welcome change of pace.

Jasmine kept her head up, she had nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to fear, except the Dark Lord in front of her. She missed crazy Voldemort. Tom Riddle had always been a shadow of who the Dark Lord had once been. And, really, she had defeated him nine times already.

She took a deep breath and locked her mind up tight, knowing she had at least two master Occlumens here, so maybe she should be a little wary of thinking too loudly.

Despite knowing that she wasn't here to be tried, she still felt like a criminal. Walking up to the witness stand was enough to give her flashbacks of her past lives. Though, this time, the seat she was on had no chains, she was in her professional dress robes, and she was prepared with an ironclad defense, or at least she hoped so, because the smirk Tom had on his face, worried her. "Mr. Riddle, please begin your cross examination," Dumbledore said wearily. For once it seemed that he was on Jasmine's side. Maybe now he'd believe her when she said she didn't want to side with this wanker.

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