Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

Seven and a half weeks passed in a blur of spellcasting, dozens of feet worth of parchment and multiple letters to her editor as Jasmine finalized the edits her father's research. Honestly, subtly pushing the Lovegood family into publishing rather than journalism was one of her more ingenious ideas. The company was still called the Quibbler, but instead of writing about odd magical creatures and hoping that people read about them, they were planning on publishing books and research papers on abstract magical research. And, magical book production takes a lot less time than muggle book bindings. Magic works faster than a factory. She only needed a week's notice with final copy for it to come out on time. She had two months before it officially hit the shelves.

Jasmine was using her money and influence to have the Lovegood business hit the ground running. It also helped that she had the Malfoy family grudgingly backing her, as well as the Blacks. Orion had sent her a strongly worded letter after Cassiopeia had read through the research. With those two dark families, and then the Potter family, behind her, she wasn't going to have too much opposition in getting it pushed to the forefront of a lot of stores and papers. There was naturally going to be backlash from a certain dark lord, but too many people fear Cassiopeia to get on the bad side of the Black family.

There was a meeting with the Wizengamot in another week, Jasmine's first one that she was legally allowed to be present in the room for. She was going to bring the findings forward and then she would field questions and answers and watch as wizarding Britain was flipped on its head.

It was going to be rough couple weeks, she would be vilified by some members of the wizarding world, but in large, she knew that she would be thanked for it. It would be nice to see "purebloods" not be clinically insane from inbreeding.

Which is what led her to where she was now, lounging on the common room couch at nearly eleven in the evening. Five more minutes of editing had turned into two hours. Lily had long since gone to up to their dorm room to sleep. It was a Hogsmeade weekend, well, it was the day that she was going to meet Wardmaster Weston at the three broomsticks to discuss her internship.

Jasmine wanted as much of this editing done as possible before then. She nibbled at the end of her quill before shifting on the couch as a small shiver went up her body. The fall chill was beginning to settle within the castle and as much as she enjoyed sweater weather, it wasn't fun at night when she didn't have her comforter around her.

The common room entrance opened with a creak as Remus shuffled in with a yawn. His prefect duties must have just ended for the night. "I always forget how late rounds are," Jasmine called out, causing the werewolf to jump when he noticed her head poking over the top of the sofa. Her long hair was wound up in loose bun around her wand at the top of her head.

He gave her a small smile that was followed by another large yawn. The scars on his face stretching a little bit as he made his way over to her. "Isn't it a bit late for you to be down here?" He replied, taking a cursory glance at the mess of ink, paper and edits made all around her. He more than likely noticed her fingers which were covered in ink blots as well. "Jazz, that isn't due for another two weeks. You said it was going to take you hours to do."

She let out a huff as she set her quill down. "It is, but I have that interview tomorrow and I was having trouble sleeping, not to mention that Sirius is still have problems narrowing his suitor list down to a reasonable amount. Merlin knows it's either all or nothing with him."

"This isn't about Sirius, this is about you." He moved the parchment closest to her into a neat pile and sat next to her.

"It's time for bed, Jazz. All this work will be here in the morning. Overworking yourself is only going to make you grumpy and you don't need that for your interview tomorrow."

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