Chapter 26

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Wow, two updates within a week. Crazy. Hopefully, I can keep this up.

Chapter 26

The winter holidays began the next morning and Jasmine was forced to spend the first two days of her vacation with her feet up in bed while her ribs healed. It wasn't something that she enjoyed, she'd much rather be flying around the yard with Sirius and James, but her health was a priority. Euphemia made sure that she stayed put, while she filed injunctions with the Board of Governors over the expulsion of her attackers. Quite a few of them saw no reason to expel the students from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, since they hadn't had any prior write ups for violent spell casting or bullying. This kind of action could ruin their lives, their precious pureblood lives. They were throwing the Slytherins out to rot, since they had more priors for attacking muggleborns and halfbloods than some Death Eaters Harriet had put on trial in her past lives. Jasmine had been appalled at the reaction by the Board, those students tried to kill her.

Euphemia was a hairs breath away from bringing up a load of dirty laundry that she had on nearly all the members of the Board, just to sway the vote without a fuss, but Monty, the occasional voice of reason, cautioned her against it, not wanting to turn the majority of the pureblood community against them...again.

So, Jasmine was in limbo, waiting to hear back from politicians. It wasn't her favorite thing to do, nor was it her favorite thing to dwell on while she was stuck in bed, but there wasn't much else to do.

She just got to watch her friends have fun without her, which, even after living past a hundred years in different lives, still made her want to groan in frustration at being kept still. Jasmine was never good at that, and Harriet sure as bloody hell wasn't.

Sirius decided that he wasn't going home for Christmas this year. Even though he and his father had reconciled, Sirius refused to be in the same house as his mother. Which, Jasmine told him, was the right choice for him and his mental health. He'd seemed broody after he'd announced his decision on the train.

Sirius could still be the Black Heir without ever seeing his bitch of a mother ever again. Honestly, Jasmine hoped that she would be disowned sooner rather than later. She was going to try and kill Orion in about two years' time, if her plans hadn't already been pushed forward due to Sirius taking responsibility has Heir to the most Ancient and Noble House of Black. Wulberga was a piece of work and didn't deserve to be near the head of the household. Jasmine just hoped that she got to the Black family in time.

Speaking of the Black family, she had received a rather interesting card from them a few days before Christmas. Jasmine had received quite a few get-well cards and early Christmas gifts, which she had put at the foot of her bed for safe keeping. Though, it was the Black family invitation from the Family Patriarch to attend their annual Christmas Party that was sitting on her nightstand that caught her attention whenever she was in the room.

Sirius was going, after a long fire call from his father he'd been promised that his mother wouldn't be in attendance. It was to be his first event as the official Black Heir since his mother had chased him from his home nearly half a year earlier. When she heard that, she'd tapped the "attending" box with her wand on the parchment, letting Orion Black know that she was going to go. Honestly, it seemed to relieve Sirius and Jasmine was more than happy to accompany him. She knew he'd need some kind of Gryffindor support from his Slytherin family. Though, Jasmine wasn't sure if she'd be the best help when it came to being overtly Gryffindor in a room full of Slytherins, but she'd do her best for him.

This is what brought James and Sirius to her room early Christmas Eve. It had been snowing outside for hours and was too cold and windy for anything outside. Monty had blown up one too many potions from their racket, so they'd been banished to the upper floor rooms and away from anything priceless.

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