Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Jasmine had ended up falling asleep on the couch shortly after Lily left. She didn't want to wake James up, he wasn't having any nightmares and the poor boy needed sleep. She would sacrifice a bit of dignity to make sure that he felt better, even if he was snuggled into her like she was a throw pillow. It was honestly rather amusing that the Marauders snuggled with her, Jasmine was feared in the school for her dueling prowess, yet, here was James Potter...drooling on her arm.

At least he didn't snore like Sirius' did. Thank Merlin for small mercies.

Sirius woke them both up around six in the morning for quidditch practice. James had looked almost ready to murder his best friend for disturbing his first good night's sleep in nearly a month. The lead Marauder chased Sirius around the room with his wand raised, shouting something about warm-ups.

After practice James did ask if he could maybe talk to Jasmine's mind healer once OWLs were over. She had been more than happy help him set up an appointment once the time came. She'd do anything for him, it's what family was for and she was finding that she enjoyed being part of a family that wanted and protected their own.

Though, it wasn't until later in the afternoon that things started to come to a head. OWLs were beginning to cause fights amongst the fifth-year students as extra assignments were being added onto their already grueling schedules. "Why are they giving us so much work!" Sirius whined after transfiguration, his arms swinging wildly, nearly knocking James' glasses off of his face. McGonagall had been feeling particularly vindictive this morning and gave them three feet worth of an essay to write and a quiz to review for next week.

James shoved Sirius towards a suite of armor on the other side of the hall. The lead Marauder wasn't in a very forgiving mood since they had just received another large assignment from Slughorn not an hour earlier on sleeping draughts thanks to another one of Sirius' horrifically mistimed comments. "You're the one that asked when we'd actually use theoretical frame working for transfiguration in real life," James hissed from Jasmine's left as he adjusted his glasses.

"I didn't know she'd give us a Merlin's damn essay to write about it!" Sirius nearly shouted down the hallway as he barely avoided a rather sharp bit of armor.

"Give it up, Pads. We all know that you and McGonagall are trying to do Prongs in for captaincy of the quidditch team," Remus joked as he pushed his bag further up his shoulder, a small smile playing on his lips.

Remus, forever the mediator when James and Sirius were in a mood. Jasmine preferred to watch them blow up. It proved to be much more entertaining.

Jasmine snorted, pushing ahead towards the charms classroom, it was always a rather long walk. The boys would drag their feet and make themselves late if they didn't pick up the pace. Yet she always stuck around, since the Marauders always made the walk over so interesting. "Only in Professor McGonagall's wildest nightmares would that be the case. Merlin knows that Sirius couldn't lead a horse to water even if it was dying of thirst," she commented with a casual wave of her hand.

Sirius had the audacity to look hurt. A pale hand hovering over his heart. "You don't think that I feature in Minnie's fantasies?"

"Only if you've been silenced and tied to a chair so you'd actually listen to a lesson," Lily snapped as she passed them, her long hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, the tie holding it together tinkered as she passed. There were two little rune etched beads attached to the ends. Jasmine had created the hair tie after her roommate's hair was almost lit on fire earlier in the week. One of the Slytherin's had tried to show Evans what students with her blood status deserved if they don't stay in line. James had managed put it out before any damage was done and ruin the Slytherin's potion, which was just an added perk to the entire situation. The incident had happened in Potions, so naturally nothing had been done about it. Slytherin politics were at play, but at least her hair had been saved, and Parkinson senior had been pranked thoroughly throughout the rest of the day. He still wasn't walking straight.

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