Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Dumbledore's office was a hornet's nest of activity. The room was filled with aggravated voices and desk pounding, giving Jasmine's already aching head more of a reason to pound. All the Heads of House were crowded around the Headmaster's desk shouting over one another. McGonagall was the one with her hands slamming against the polished desk. Euphemia was standing in the corner of the room, looking like she was about rip someone to shreds. Madam Pomfrey was next to the entrance and Jasmine was dreading dealing with the fussy matron. Dumbledore, in bright lilac robes, didn't seem to know what to do as he tried to calm the four different Heads of House with peaceful hand gestures.

Lily was nowhere to be found. Jasmine hoped that she was bringing her assailants here while Jasmine dealt with the adults.

All eyes turned to the group of teens as they came in, most of them zeroed in on Sirius, who was still carrying Jasmine. She knew that she still looked worse for wear, no doubt bruises were forming on her face and the cuts that were visible were bleeding a bit sluggishly. Her ribs were still aching something fierce and even if her shoulder was back in its socket, it still hurt like hell. Euphemia was the first to break the silence, "Jasmine, what happened? I got a fire call from James saying that you had almost been killed in a fight?"

Jasmine sent her cousin a glare before he shrugged his shoulders with a sheepish grin. Leave it to James to exaggerate the entire thing to get everyone up and arms. Then again, fighting soon to be Death Eaters in school, even if they were in training, was an ordeal to overcome.

James rubbed the back of his neck. "Evans came running in panicking, what was I supposed to think?" He gave the most innocent bat of his eyelashes as he responded. What a little liar. Lily might have a temper, but she was level headed most of the time and wouldn't have told James that she had almost died.

Jasmine hadn't even come close to dying. Merlin, she was a few moments away from maiming those to idiot Slytherins before Lily, Frank and Alice stepped in on her behalf. Euphemia started to tap a foot impatiently.

Jasmine figured that this would be a good time to explain what happened before her guardian hurt someone. "While, I did get into a fight. I wasn't near death. Avery got a lucky hit in with a blasting hex. I was pushed into a wall rather forcefully, which caused most of my injuries," she began, but she got some confused looks...maybe she started at the wrong moment in the story. Sometimes it was best to start at the beginning. "Okay, I'll start again. Right after dueling practice I was attacked by six students claiming to follow the new rising Dark Lord. I had already rejected an offer earlier in the year and he took that as an insult. Avery and his friends were attempting to teach me a lesson, though, they are far more damaged than I ended up," she replied levelly, attempting to keep her voice calm and even, though she could feel a wheeze starting in her voice as she spoke, hopefully her rib hadn't punctured her lung. She was far too tired and stung-out for that.

The Headmaster looked positively delighted behind his spectacles. This could be what gets her kicked out of school. Jasmine wouldn't put it past Dumbledore to attempt to expel her over this.

"Madam Pomfrey, Jazz is having a bit of trouble breathing, can you take a look at her?" Remus asked from her left. Traitor.

Pomfrey came bustling over to her, wand raised, a potions kit attached to her hip. The matron had come prepared to deal with far worse. "Mr. Black, hold her still for me while I do a quick medical scan," she told Sirius with her no-nonsense tone that left no room for argument, and Jasmine resisted the urge to roll her eyes. It wasn't like she was in any position to make a run for it, no matter how much she disliked medical treatment. Sirius, the other traitor, obeyed without protest.

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