Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

The rest of the day continued in a similar vein. Theo had introduced himself to everyone on his own terms, shaking hands and speaking through his physical, yet magical, connection. The shocked looks he'd receive no doubt made the draining use of magic worth it. Theo always did have a flare for the dramatic.

Lily had latched onto him to get every detail she could about how his particular brand of magic worked, much to Blaise's never ending amusement. Jasmine had gotten more than one pleading glance from her longtime friend over her roommate's insatiable curiosity.

It was fun to see Blaise and Theo interact with her close friends from this timeline. They were both so cautious when approaching them. It must be odd seeing a bunch of people you knew as dead, standing right in front of you, as teenagers no less. Regulus, Severus, Blaise and Mikhail seemed get along as Theo was passed around the room, since everyone seemed to want to speak to him through his particular magical abilities.

Sirius kept poking him to see how far his ability worked, if it was just concentrated in hands or if it was all of him.

Horrifyingly enough, Blaise struck up a conversation with Monty that had to do with potions. Now, Blaise only used potions for one thing, and one thing alone, mayhem.

Monty seemed to think Blaise was a mad genius when it came to explosives, something Jasmine was truly terrified of. Blaise was already a pyro without encouragement from an adult, something that she and Theo had discouraged immensely over their past nine lives. And, now, he had an enabler.

As Harri she had been the most magically destructive one in the group. Her casting ability could level moderate cities, if given the opportunity. Blaise...was creatively destructive on a scale that worried Harri during her early lives and intrigued her in her later ones. Though, combine his ideas with some of Monty's and the Marauders' and things could get dangerous very quickly.

There were a few hushed whispers between Monty, Blaise and Theo, well, between Monty and Blaise. Theo was gesturing rather wildly, but Monty seemed to be getting the general gist of what he meant.

Euphemia looked as exasperated as Jasmine felt.

The party ended with most everyone going home. Mikhail made a swift exit from the floo to the magical hotel he'd be staying at for the next day or two while his parents finished out a deal with a muggle company. Right before he left Mikhail pulled her aside, "You, me, and your two American friends are going to have fun tomorrow."

She rolled her eyes, and looked over towards Blaise and Theo, who seemed to be listening to their conversation. "We'd be more than happy to show you how to have fun. You Europeans are disgustingly Medieval in your magic arts," Blaise replied with a smirk that only spoke trouble.

Theo gave a brief nod, which got a small whoop from Mikhail before giving her a hug and a small shout of "see you tomorrow" before vanishing into the flames.

Severus was the second person to leave, he made sure that he wasn't the first one to go, but he obviously had been waiting for an opportunity to excuse himself from the party. Jasmine gave him a tight hug and told him not to be a stranger, which caused him to turn an odd shade of red before he made himself disappear.

Remus, who was looking a bit peaky, since it was close to the full moon, took a chunk of cake home with him. Jasmine had made sure the cake was chocolate, just for him. She knew he had been having a rough go of it with his parents as of late. The three of them were always fighting over his career paths. Remus was looking outside of the country for work, but his father wanted him to stay within the country in case something happened here.

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