Chapter 95

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Chapter 95

Brightbark looked like he wanted to scream at the sight of Jasmine, honestly the feeling was mutual. He wasn't someone she ever wanted to see again after leaving Hogwarts. Though from what she understood, he was a great duelist and that was why Dumbledore invited him to join the Order. The man was just a piece of trash as a human being.

Jasmine noticed that Sirius had his wand held more securely in his hand and stepped a bit in front of Remus. She wasn't sure how many people were aware of Remus' furry little problem, but it was better safe than sorry when dealing with Brightbark, who was very anti dark creatures. Remus purposely avoided Order meetings when he was in attendance.

"I hope she is a new member, Kingsley. This is the Peverell girl I had told you about. Did Albus finally listen to me and invite you to join? Your dueling and warding talent would be an asset to this group."

So, she had been on the shortlist to be invited to the Order or at least she had been recommended to join, though it seemed that had been rejected. Naturally, Brightbark had to open his mouth. "Merlin, I hope not. Albus has far more sense than that. She aligns with dark magic users. You've read about the laws she votes for in the Wizengamot, same as the rest of us."

"Johnathan, we've been over multiple times over the last two years. Dark magic doesn't mean evil. Otherwise, I wouldn't be included in this group," Sirius added, pushing away from the counter he was leaning on and joining Jasmine by the Weasley's. He didn't put his arm around her. Their relationship was still a secret to most of the Order and that would be a bit too obvious, but the support was still there.

"Azz! Azz!" A demanding little voice shouted from James' arms, cutting through the tension like only a child could. Chubby arms were waving in Jasmine's direction as little Harry spotted one of his favorite playmates.

The kid had a dummy in his mouth with a little stag decoration that James had to have transfigured himself. Jasmine easily scooped up the wiggling twelve-month-old. He still had James' glasses in one hand. If they weren't careful he was going to drop them and break them... again.

"Why don't we give your father his glasses back? Hm?"

There was a moment of contemplation in his bright green eyes before his gaze turned back to his father. He clumsily handed the glasses back. The wire was bent at the ear, but James would no doubt fix that on his own later.

Brightbark looked like he swallowed something particularly fowl watching her interact with her godson. Jasmine felt it was a little strange. She was essentially holding the replacement soul for herself. Little Harry was a brand-new soul that would hopefully get to live a full life with his parents. Though, why Brightbark was upset that she holding Harry was beyond her.

"Look, I'm just here to go over some paperwork with the Weasley's. You can have your little resistance meeting after that. From what I understand, you haven't been fairing that great outside of Auror scuffles. You've been relying on assistance from third party resistance fighters to do all your work for you."

Jasmine had been one of those fighters. She and the Blacks were leading their own group. Unlike the Order, her fighters were glamoured, and usually only jumped in if needed. While it was more suspicious to be fighting with glamours, Jasmine didn't need her people compromising their identities. A lot of them could lose their positions as spies otherwise.

Brightbark snarled and Harry hid his face in Jasmine's robes. She gave his back a gentle pat. "At least some of us are attempting to do something! All I've heard you doing recently was hiding ancient properties behind wards and helping pro-dark laws be passed on the Wizengamot floor!"

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