~ Chapter 13 ~

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The sun was setting, two of the trolls were entering the shelter to prepare for sleep ... He was sitting on the roof, staring into the light on the horizon.

- Well, what are you doing here? A female voice asked him as she went up there to join him.

He said nothing, looking down while his new friend sat down next to him, confused by the sad look of the troll next to him:

- You want to talk about it ? She asked him.

And he talked.


- Think about it, Trollex was still explaining his theory when it was almost 3 a.m., They get turned into zombies by a strong heatstroke - that red thunder - so you have to give them the opposite blow to bring them back to normal ! Isn't logic and awesome ???

- Trollex ... Maya started for what seemed like the hundredth time.

- Sorry- Trollex stopped again.

But it didn't take so long for the techno troll to start speak again, far too enthusiastic about explaining his ideas to create a more effective remedy that would allow them to save their friends and defeat the rock trolls. In her blankets, Branch curled up against her back, Poppy listened, not saying a word. Her sleep need was very big, but she couldn't sleep; her head was full of thoughts she couldn't silence and Trollex speaking every two seconds certainly wouldn't help her get to sleep.

- You'll end up waking everyone up ! ... Maya whispered, They've made a long trip to get there, and you should rest too ...

At the same time, Maya wrapped her arms around the king's body. Taken by surprise, Trollex froze, his mouth open slightly as the little troll snuggled up against him.

- O-okay ... The male whispered.

Then, blushing and his heart visibly pounding fast, the fish troll hugged the little troll back in his rainbow arms, wrapping his colored tail around her like a blanket. Soon the two trolls fell asleep, their breathing calm and relaxed.

- Branch? Poppy whispered, turning to face him.

The sleeping gray troll's ear twitched slightly, then he opened his blue eyes slightly to look at her.

- Poppy, he said her name, to show her he was listening.

Poppy looked at him for a few seconds, not even knowing why she had woken him up in the first place... maybe it was because she felt safer when she knew he was watching over her? Maybe because she wanted to make sure he was okay too? Maybe because just looking into his eyes gave her an unexplained sense of calm? She didn't know why ...

Or maybe she knew what that why was, but was afraid to realize what it was?

Branch continued to watch her, calm, attentive. Then coming out of nowhere, he spoke those words again;

- Boom boom, he said giving her his plush raccoon Bandit.

Poppy, confused, laughed softly and closed her eyes, holding the plush raccoon in her arms. A few minutes later, the pink troll had fallen asleep in Branch's familiar warmth.


The sun entered the shelter as the last embers of the fire that had kept them warm during the night died. Everyone was up, except Poppy who was still hiding under her blankets; falling asleep at 3am didn't help after yesterday's tormenting day.

TIED UP || Broppy / Trolls StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon