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•Practice Apparently Doesn't Help•Word count 1320

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•Practice Apparently Doesn't Help•
Word count 1320

"Cassandra!" Stiles screamed at the girl as she accidentally knocked over his cup full of water. "Sorry...." She replies nervously. Scott was trying to help her learn how to control her powers while Stiles tried to figure out what she was. "You really can't move bigger objects without blacking out?" Stiles asked her as he glanced over at her. "No... it's like I have to completely let myself go to make huge things happen." Cassandra tries to explain to him. Stiles grabs one of his random shirts and drops it on top of the water Cassandra spilled. "You couldn't have found a towel?" She asked him playfully. He simply shrugs his shoulders at her before turning his attention back to his computer. Cassandra tried to move a tissue box which resulted in it hitting Stiles in the head. She gasped as her and Scott laughed as Stiles glared at her. Stiles looked away from both of them before returning to his computer.

Stiles scrolled through websites on his computer before clicking on one. "It says that telekinesis is the supernatural ability to move matter with the power of the mind. Witches and warlocks posses the ability to move objects and beings with the power of their minds." Stiles begins to tell Scott and Cassandra. Stiles nervously took a deep breath as he felt Cassandras presence directly behind him as she looked over his shoulder at the computer.

"However, the amount and weight of the matter they can move is dependent on the amount of magical energy they can channel. Maybe that's why you can't move big objects.... it forces you to channel a lot of energy causing you to black out." Stiles explains to her as he looks up at her. "What triggers you to make you channel more energy?" Scott asks her as he walks over to her.

"Anger... like whenever Jackson talks to me." Cassandra says as she starts laughing. "We need to figure out a way to help you channel enough energy but also be able to control it." Stiles says softly as he turns his chair around to face her. Their eyes met for a split second before Cassandra quickly looked away from him. "So according to the internet you're like... some sort of a witch. But witches can't be hot!" Stiles says playfully causing Cassandra to shove his arm. "Shut up." She mumbles as her face gets red.

"Don't you guys want to know why she got these powers?" Scott asked them softly. "Yeah but it's not like we can go to the library and find a nonfiction book on witches." Stiles replies sarcastically. Cassandra just rolls her eyes at him before sitting down on his bed. Stiles glanced over at that girl sitting on his bed and quickly got out of his chair and sat next to her. "I wanna know why my arms turn black and hurt when I don't use my powers. It's like every nerve in my arms just got egnited and now it hurts so fucking bad." Casandra complained softly causing Stiles heart to hurt. He wish he could do something to help her but he didn't know how.

"I keep thinking about that letter my mom left me.. do you guys think it was possible that she was like me?" Cassandra asks them softly as she nervously twirls a piece of her hair. "I don't know but she didn't give us many clues to find her." Stiles replies softly as he grabs Cassandras hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. Cassandra feels butterflies in her stomach as she looks down at Stiles hand holding hers. "Maybe my mom did leave me something.....she left me the letter asking for my help but she must have left something more....I haven't been to my house since she disappeared... it wouldn't hurt to look there." Casandra says in a hopeful tone as she looks at Scott and then Stiles.

"The viotto house? The house that is literally haunted by your dead father who killed himself!" Stiles yells frantically causing Cassandra to glare at him. "Sorry...what I meant to say is.... that place is scary and we are not going there. No one has gone in there in years." Stiles rants nervously. "You are seriously scared of some abandoned house?" Scott asks his friend in disbelief. "Yes it's haunted and every time anybody goes in there they are never heard from again." Stiles says dramatically causing Cassandra to start at laughing at him.

"You are coming with us whether you like it or not." Cassandra tells him sharply. Stiles groans as he shakes his head at her. Scott walks out of Stiles room and Cassandra starts to follow him but Stiles gently grabs her hand. "Are you sure you want to go back there? You haven't been there since you were a kid when everything went down." Stiles asks her softly. "If I want answers I have to go." Casandra replies softly. Stiles sighs as he groans. She walks out of the room and Stiles immediately knows that he has to go with her. If she was going to the abandoned house he needed to be there with her. He quickly follows her out of the room as he trips on his bed and nearly falls over. Scott was already waiting in the passenger seat of Stiles Jeep causing Stiles to shake his head at him. "I'll drive." Cassandra says playfully as she takes the keys out of Stiles hand.

Stiles gasped as he watched her get into the drivers seat. "Nobody drives my baby but me!" He yells at her as he opens the car door. "Make me!" She yelled playfully as she stared into his eyes. Scott watched in disbelief as Stiles practically dragged Cassandra out of the drivers seat. "I swear to God Stiles I will use my powers on you!" Cassandra screamed as Stiles dragged her out by her waist. "Like you even know how to control them!" Stiles replied sarcastically. Cassandra squirmed against his grip but he was way stronger than her. The feeling of his his hands on her waist sent sparks through her body. Stiles got nervous due to the girl being in his arms. After five minutes of them struggling Stiles gave in and let her sit on his lap as long as he got to drive. "That's definitely not legal." Scott mumbles as he laughs at them. "Well my dad is the sheriff so it's fine." Stiles replies sharply.

He wraps one arm around Cassandras waist and holds the steering wheel with another. Cassandra felt butterflies in her stomach because she was so close to him. Stiles could barely focus at the feeling of Cassandra sitting on his lap. "If a ghost tries to posses you.... let me just say... I told you so." Stiles says playfully as they arrive at the old abandoned house. The house looked like it was straight out of a horror movie. The house was a dark shade of black. The windows were gone and the wood was chipping away. The house looked like it could fall apart with the slightest blow of the wind. Stiles felt Cassandras body shiver at the sight of her old home. He gently rubbed her arm as he tried to act like he wasn't scared also.

"That looks welcoming." Stiles says sarcastically as they all stare at the house. "No ones really been home to keep the house clean.... so." Cassandra replies playfully but Stiles can tell her voice was shaky. He knew what this place made her think about. It was a huge reminder that her parents were both gone. Her father literally killed himself inside those doors. Stiles was slowly regretting his decision to come along but he knew Cassandra needed him.

I would personally not go into a creepy house 💀

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