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•Fog of Darkness•Word count 1609

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•Fog of Darkness•
Word count 1609

A ringing noise ran through Cassandras ears as she stayed completely still. All the cheerleaders sprinted past her as screams were heard all around her. She couldn't bring herself to move. These men had tried to kill her multiple times but coming to her school seemed to hit an emotional nerve in her body. They were ruining the normal part of her life she wanted to keep separate from all the drama. She felt two hands on her waist causing her to snap out of her trance. "You have to get out of here!" Stiles screamed at her. He could tell she was very out of it as he shook her shoulders hoping to wake her out of her trance. Her eyes met his and she could immediately sense the fear in his eyes. She knew he was scared for her. He would never think about helping himself he would always worry about others. "Okay... let's go!" Cassandra replied sharply as she seemed to focus. Her eyes landed on the men behind her as the sound of a gun shot rang through her ears. Scott and Issac were trying to fight off the men but there were too many of them. She felt Stiles tackle her body to the ground as he covered her body with his. Another gun shot rang through the field as Stiles felt Cassandra shake in fear underneath his body.

"It's okay... I got you." Stiles reassured her as he gently held her in his arms. "I have to fight them." Cassandra whispered as her voice cracked. "No... you are just going to get hurt." Stiles replied sharply. Cassandra didn't listen to Stiles as she pushed his body off of her. "Cassandra stop!" Stiles screamed as she stood up. The men had traced a circle around her and Stiles laced with wolfsbane. Scott and Issac tried to get to her but they were trapped outside of the circle. The men had her surrounded with all of their guns pointed at her. Stiles felt two strong hands pick him off of the ground as he felt something sharp against his neck. Cassandra felt her heart stop as she looked over at Stiles. One of the men had a knife pressed against his neck. "Let him go!" Cassandra screamed as she held back her tears. Stiles looked so scared it made her heart break. "I swear I will kill you if you hurt him!" Scott screamed at the man.  Cassandra knew this was all her fault. She needed to fix it. "Don't move... and don't even think about using your powers or he dies!" The man yelled at her.

"Okay! Just let him go!" Cassandra pleaded. The man dug the knife into Stiles chest causing Stiles to scream. "Stop!" Cassandra screamed as the man pulled the knife away from him. Blood dripped down Stiles shoulder as he winced in pain. Scott growled as he tried to get into the circle but was quickly blown backwards. The man laughed causing something inside of Cassandra to break. The sound of a gun shot caused Stiles to flinch as he felt the man holding him fall to the ground. Cassandra took one look at Mr. Argent before she heard the sound of a million bullets racing towards her. "No!" Stiles screamed. Cassandra screamed as she felt something inside of her awaken. Her mind could only think of Stiles and the way he was scared and how much it angered her to see him like this. Then she was met by darkness.

Stiles pushed his body off the ground as he heard Cassandra scream. The bullets that we're racing towards her were blocked by an unknown force as she fell onto her knees. Her eyes opened but were completely dark and soulless. A fog of darkness surrounded her. The men looked scared as they gave each other concerned looks. Another scream came from Cassandra as a huge wave of darkness blasted the men backwards. Issac and Scott were both blown backwards. Scott's head slammed into the ground leaving him in complete darkness. Issac felt like every bone in his body had broken as he groaned in pain. Stiles watched as the men were slammed aggressively into the ground. Blood gushed from their bodies causing Stiles to look at Cassandra. Her eyes were still not open as blood puddled down her face. The men were not dead just in pain as they rolled over but Stiles could tell Cassandra wasn't done with them. Stiles started crawling towards her through the fog of darkness. Stiles felt pain in his chest as blood drizzled down his side but he ignored it. The men were raised up into the air by the darkness as they started screaming. Issac gave Stiles a concerned look as they both remained on the ground. Stiles could hear the men's bones cracking causing him to wince at the sight of it. Stiles realized Cassandra was going to kill them. He picked up his pace as the darkness blew into his face. He finally reached her using all his strength. The sound of the darkness was screaming in his ears.

"Cassanda! You have to stop!" Stiles screamed at her but she was not responsive. She was on her knees with her hands extended into the air as the darkness shot out from her body. The wind was blowing her hair up as blood trickled down her face. Stiles knew that she didn't want to kill the men. He knew she couldn't control it. He grabbed her shoulders and tried to shake her body violently. "You have to wake up!" He screamed as tears poured down his face. She didn't respond as she continued to use her power on the men. If he didn't do something quick she would kill them and probably herself. He needed to bring her back to herself. Stiles stared at her face as he wiped away his tears. He didn't know what else he could do. He just wanted to help her. He needed to bring her back to her human side. He didn't know what came over him as he grabbed her face and slammed his lips onto hers.

He had imagined kissing Cassandra many times but he never imagined kissing her to get her out of some witch crazy coma. The wind slowed down and Stiles heard the sound of the men's body hitting the ground as they groaned in pain. Cassandras hands fell down as her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes widened in shock as she realized she was kissing Stiles. Stiles pulled away from her as he stared at her. She looked around at the destroyed lacrosse field and the men all sprawled on the ground. "Did I?" Cassandra asked Stiles softly as tears started falling down her face. "It's okay... you are okay now." Stiles reassured her as he pulled her into his arms.

Cassandra felt so weak as blood rushed down her face. She couldn't believe she hurt all those men and she couldn't even remember what happened. Cassandra felt her eyes slowly close as she clung onto Stiles. "Is she alright?" Mr. Argent asked Stiles as he walked over to him. "She's fine.. she's just tired." Stiles replied softly. "I know she's your friend but you have no idea what you are dealing with. If you hadn't stopped her? She would have killed us all. She can't be stopped and she will never be able to control that much power." Mr Argent tells Stiles sharply. Issac limped over to his friends as he held onto his arm that felt like it was broken. "I think Mr. Argent is right....." Issac mumbled softly.

"What are you going to do to her? Keep her in a cage? She is completely harmless unless she is provoked!" Stiles told both of them sharply. "She could lose control at any moment Stiles.... don't let your relationship with her affect your judgment. I think we should keep her in a safe place just for a little while until we know how to take her powers away." Mr. Argent told Stiles sharply. "She hurt all those bad men.... she didn't kill any of her friends.... all she needs is to get some sleep." Stiles replied sharply.

"Scott is unconscious.... Issac broke a few bones and she nearly killed those men. What happens when more men like that come back? What if you get in the crossfire of her powers? She's not safe." Mr. Argent told him sharply. Stiles scoffed in frustration as he stared at the bodies of the men on the ground. "What do we do about them?" Issac asked Mr. Argent softly. The sound of a police siren caused the three of them to look at the parking lot. "Let the police take care of it." Mr. Argent mumbles. He picked up a pair of black handcuffs off the ground that one of the men had dropped. "I know she's your friend..... as long as she wears these cuffs she can't use her magic.... that's a temporary fix to the problem but I will find a permanent cure to get rid of this..... disease. For now take her to the hospital ..... let Melissa clean up her wounds and get your chest checked out." Mr. Argent tells Stiles as he hands him the cuffs. Stiles places the cuffs on Cassandras wrists as he glanced down at the cut in his chest. "Thank you." Stiles told him softly. "I got you Cassie." Stiles reassures the unconscious girl in his arms.

They finally kissed 🤣 wasn't an ideal situation but it still counts 😂

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